Banning the term climate change won’t stop the reality



For what it is worth, we waste a lot of time and effort arguing among ourselves to ultimately get nowhere. I think the majority of our efforts should be focusing on two initial points at the core of the problem:

1) have a centralized system for easy access to peer reviewed information

2) Fix the problem with American media.

American media can give skewed or even false information because "freedom of speech". It is mind blowing that the constitution is 'abused' in such a way. Even as a Canadian, I can say that American media causes a lot of problems with these global discussions, since America and Americans are generally at ground zero of the repercussions of topics like these.

We need a benevolently curated information system, rather than the information we need being mixed in with the chaff while a small group of people keep tossing all of the papers in the air to entertain some of the onlookers.


Audioholic Samurai
So as usual we have non science educated people misusing data to back a Theory that sounds good to the average Joe.
I couldn't agree more. And those people make it exceedingly difficult for the average Joe, (us), to find the truth. It holds true for every controversial subject in the news today. Thankfully, audioholics can disagree w/o impugning the personal integrity of each other. ;)


Bless your heart. Are you a college student?
I have a degree in operations management. Essentially it is like engineering, but for solving intangible (human) problems rather than material based problems.

As idealistic as I might sound, those two things are at the heart of the problem.


That animation is key here. Most people have been won over by 'experts' who have stated that there is 'irrefutable proof' that world temperatures have been DECLINING for 10 years. Yet the NASA animation SHOWS the opposite. This goes back to my statement of needing a consolidated place for peer reviewed data. It is hard for the average citizen to verify claims without cited sources, or even 'uncoloured' presentation of these claims. Not to mention the necessity of checking the source of funding for each study...
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Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Well yes, it is interesting but the article containing the animation strictly takes an alarmist interpretation. The author, Tanya Lewis, is a science writer for BI and writes about herself here. But then this sells, especially considering the climate summit taking place with our narcissist in chief in attendance where he will look to bring the world renown negotiating skills he is famous for.

An overview and critical examination of reported rising temperatures with their impact would have required far more effort. One would have to examine what areas benefit, which don't. Their magnitudes. Acknowledging that increases in CO2 also increase crop yield although the crops might not be grown in the same locales. Acknowledging that even if the climate magically became static, food is still an issue because people keep having a lot of kids. Talk about the impact on climate on a regional level like the NY Times recently did on how Brazil's ongoing deforestation of the Amazon is largely responsible for their fresh water woes. Oh, and how it may be fvcking up climate in Texas and California.

The chart is fine, Gene. The context with which it was used, not so much. If you can't talk about the pros and cons then all you are is a salesman.


Audioholic Samurai
OK, Gene. Following your lead...
The referenced article comes from the BUSINESS INSIDER. This is what Wikipedia tells us about them:

"CEO and Editor-In-Chief Henry Blodget is a Yale history graduate who previously worked on Wall Street until he was charged with securities fraud in 2003.[8] He agreed to a permanent ban from the securities industry, payment of a $2 million fine and disgorgement of $2 million.[9] Deputy editor Nicholas Carlson previously worked at and Gawker Media's Silicon Valley gossip blog, Valleywag. Senior editor Jim Edwards previously was managing editor at Adweek."

"the website has also received criticism for blatant clickbait."
For those who don't know, "Clickbait is a pejorative term describing web content that is aimed at generating online advertising revenue, especially at the expense of quality or accuracy"

I posted this to demonstrate how this argument goes. One side posts an article, the other side discredits the source. The same process with the same result. Over, and over, and over. Insanity. (But it can be entertaining to watch. :)) You guys forge on!

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Rainforests certainly are important for numbers of reasons.

I'm gonna put on my extrapolating, prognosticator hat on w/r/t the Paris climate summit.

No country is going to call for either a global population limit, reduction, or capping human lifetime expectancy, immediate or otherwise.
Brazil is going to say they're willing to do their part in stopping the rainforest eradication but it's going to cost the world big time.
Same with smaller countries. They're going to play the victim card.
The IMF or some other money disbursement organization under the UN umbrella is going to be looking to handle the billions which will be collected and disbursed. He who controls the money controls who it lends to.
India, which I think surpassed China in population, is going to say they're too poor to agree to CO2 limits. Maybe later. In the meantime, they're still working on getting toilets.
Russia is going to say, their country is hurting because of the sanctions and besides, their forests capture a disproportionate amount of CO2.
Some stupid, enormously expensive and impractical (as of now) technologies are going to be proposed to scrub CO2.
No one is going to say GMO's can help.
No one is going to point out any benefits from warming.
Hollywood will champion energy alternatives as they live in mega mansions, own multiple homes, get their loot bags, own multiple cars, and take private jets, while making sure no affordable housing is constructed where they live and shudder at the thought of any refugees relocated to their neighborhoods.

Of course, I could be wrong.

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