Well, I really don't like to drive long distances and my rule is "if it takes longer than 5 hours, I'm flying".
So, I have never been to the cabin we have access to in NM as it is an 8 hour drive and if I am flying, I am going to Lake Tahoe, CO or Utah.
Last Friday, on a whim, we decided to just throw our boards in the car and take off to the cabin.
We had such a relaxing time with no real plan and no rush. The cabin was beautiful and ~40 deer where in the yard at all times. The Doe stayed right next to the cabin and some pretty large bucks stayed up on the hill.
The base was pretty dry but decent snow up on the mountain so we did one day of boarding. Two days after we left they got dumped on with 24" of snow at the summit. I would have liked to ski that but we would have likely been stuck there.
My back has been pretty injured this past 5 months so I was going to take it pretty easy on the board. Luckily I caught an edge going about 25 mph and did about 6 head over head flips. Next Wednesday I go in for Steroid injections around my spine. MRI shows a lot of degeneration in L4-L5 with a herniated disc. Getting old rocks!!!!