Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Jedi
J that is seriously crazy. It must be absolutely scary to drive unless they have done some suspension mods as well. I have to ask why?
Yes, he's a little crazy :) I don't think there's a single thing on that car he hasn't touched. He's had various chassis braces welded in, and some very serious suspension done on the car. It is one of those "just to do it" kind of cars though. Almost a sleeper though, because outside it looks relatively stock unless you start looking underneath. Battery and ECU had to be relocated to the rear hatch, custom gas tank, custom intercooler for the S/C that is actually mounted in the rear bumper at an angle with fans (that alone is something I've never seen NUTS). His other car is a 7.0L Cobra replica :D

This must have been a real joy trying to get all the header bolts started and tightened.:D
Exhaust is full custom fabbed, not sure about the headers, but it dumps to a single pipe out the rear in the stock location. It rumbles, but not like one would expect like it would in a Mustang, but then it is still NOT the sort of sound you'd expect from a Focus either lol. :cool:
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Audioholic Warlord
So, next Friday my grades are due for the first quarter grades. I go to open up my online gradebooks and it gives me an error, and when it finally opens it's completely blank. No classes, no students, and no grades. No bueno. I'm eff'ed if the tech guy can't fix it.


Audioholic Jedi
So, next Friday my grades are due for the first quarter grades. I go to open up my online gradebooks and it gives me an error, and when it finally opens it's completely blank. No classes, no students, and no grades. No bueno. I'm eff'ed if the tech guy can't fix it.
If it's online, sounds like it's the school's issue and not yours.


Audioholic Warlord
If it's online, sounds like it's the school's issue and not yours.
Well, sort of. I didn't keep a hard copy of the grades. So technically it's not my fault, but they're still not going to be real happy I don't have something.

That's the beauty of teaching, everything is your fault :D


Audioholic Overlord
So I read something about bullet-proof coffee and it sounds like a horrible idea but I just had my 4th one this week....


Audioholic Slumlord
Man ... this blows. Two more days which amounts to an eternity followed by another two days which go by too fast. Relativity is broke.


Audioholic Samurai
Somehow I don't think the parents are going to enjoy that. Especially since they're already all over/up my ass.
Give them a HUGE guilt trip about the environment and deforestation.

Hey, while we figure out how to be green, we're going to have some hiccups - but we'll learn from them. This is well offset, because by saving the environment we're allowing our kids to have a better future. o_O


Audioholic Warlord
Based on some of the parent interactions I've had so far, there are a few who I think would just punch me in the face. :eek::D


Audioholic Warlord
Fuzz, did you get those grades recovered?
I did. They were able to recover almost everything. Although when I e-mailed the tech guy, his response was slightly terrifying. He told me "Wow I've never seen that before..." and that was his entire response. He needs to learn to lead with the good news, like yes I can fix that but that's weird I've never seen that before. :D


Audioholic Samurai
Fuzz, did you get those grades recovered?
A heart for Adam... :):):) Hearts and rainbows for Adam. lol.

I did. They were able to recover almost everything. Although when I e-mailed the tech guy, his response was slightly terrifying. He told me "Wow I've never seen that before..." and that was his entire response. He needs to learn to lead with the good news, like yes I can fix that but that's weird I've never seen that before. :D
That's great you got it back. I still don't understand why the parents would be /that/ upset over lost grades - it's one class. What's the worst that could happen? They all get As? I don't get it... Anyone with an education has had teachers/professors lose grades at least once along the line from kindergarden to frickin grad school lol.

I even remember in college my Dynamics class the professor lost exam grades somehow. It happens.


Audioholic Warlord
A heart for Adam... :):):) Hearts and rainbows for Adam. lol.

That's great you got it back. I still don't understand why the parents would be /that/ upset over lost grades - it's one class. What's the worst that could happen? They all get As? I don't get it... Anyone with an education has had teachers/professors lose grades at least once along the line from kindergarden to frickin grad school lol.

I even remember in college my Dynamics class the professor lost exam grades somehow. It happens.
I don't know. It's like, some of the parents are mad about the grades their kids are getting, but then they would be equally mad if they were lost. Talk about mixed messages. :p

Another thing I don't get, and maybe I end up being too nice, but some of them get pissed that everything doesn't run smoothly all the time. I mean, how often does anything go perfectly the first time you ever do it, let along throwing in changing states, schools, and moving away from family and friends. I ain't askin' for much, just like an inch and a half of slack every once in awhile :D


Audioholic Jedi
You just cracked me up, Fuzz! Rating my post as informative. :D "Ah, Rick's on his way. Good to know."

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