So last night I suggested to my wife that if she wants a suggestion for a Christmas gift for me, I wouldn't mind a pair of good headphones. She said, "well, figure out what you want and let me know." Wow, that was easy!

That said, I'm sure she has no clue as to what a good pair of headphones will cost.
Anyway, it dawned on me this afternoon that with the NAD routed through the DCX2496, I wouldn't get full range through the cans, as the headphone out is in parallel with the speaker connections. So, I needed to figure out if I could add a preset for full range through the mains. Of course, full range stereo isn't one of the pre-loaded presets, so it took a bit of head scratching and staring at the manual to figure out what to do. In the end, I just copied the original 2 + 2 subs preset, wound the subs high-pass and the mains low-pass down 20Hz. Does that make sense? Cause I couldn't think of another way to do it. It sounds like I got it right, at least...