Don't get me started on teachers and the system that protects them... Don't get me wrong, a good teacher is an awesome thing but there are far too many clueless teachers.
Just this year my son is dealing with an eighth grade algebra teacher who randomly spot checks homework of just a couple of students a day while he walks the class. Oh, and you get an all or nothing grade...100 or 0. My boy just got a zero on his homework the other day... All his answers we correct and he showed his work and wrote paragraphs explaining logic/process. The "teacher" didn't like the way he explained his work. Total bull! He did all that work and received a zero...the same grade as someone who got everything completely wrong but didn't get randomly checked that day... by the way...this zero dropped his grade from a 98 to a 94... 4 percent... at the end of a marking period. How is that possible??? My wife is looking into this with the school.
He also has an English teacher that is so gung ho that she gets giddy. Assigning an essay is like giving Christmas presents to her. She is doing assignments based on fairytales. My son received a zero on an assignment where he was supposed to
just explain what he knew about four fairytail stories. The stories were Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel and Gretel and the movie Frost. Real fair for an only male child 14 year old student who told her he had no knowledge of any of these stories and asked for help... She told him to just do the best he can.(that's quality teaching right there.) So he is supposed to explain girl fairytails that he has never read or seen and was told it was ok that he didn't know what they were about jsut do your best and then gets a zero even after asking for guidance and not getting any...
He's a 14yo boy for Christs sake! Frost? Snow White? Sleeping Beauty? I'll give her Hansel and Gretel but whats up with this fairytail crap in 8th grade?

She is a strict grader also, which is fine but my son tells me only two kids in his class of distinguished honor students are getting a 90 or over this marking period.
It's almost like these two teachers are trying to undermine students just to prove they are smarter than the kids they are teaching.
My son is a quiet kid and an honor/distinguished honor student and the only time he has ever been in any trouble is while protecting himself. Teachers tend to love him so I don't believe it's him but the teachers that are the problem.
He does like his science teacher (She seams tough but fair and have common sense) and social studies teacher (he's a guy who you'd never guess would be a teacher let alone a good one).
end rant...