The speakers are no longer under warranty.
The Salon1 and Voice1 use the same midrange. A couple of years ago the support tech told me that eventually they would all fail (I think he was not supposed to say that

Two years ago the midrange went on the Voice, Revel replaced it free.
A little over a month ago, a midrange started to sound bad in the right Salon.
When you press on the driver, it has a scratching sound. This happened with the both failures.
Revel recommended replacing the midranges in pairs so I did.
Unfortunately, the foam turns into glue over the years and there is no way to remove the drivers without destroying them or the cabinet.
So, I was forced to destroy the good midrange.
The new failure is different. It sounds like the dome is loose and creating other tones. The other problem was something that took years to occur.
The new midrange is a quality issue that should not occur.
I am still waiting on a response from Revel but I think they are in CA.
- Rich