WHEN DID EVERYTHING GET SO EXPENSIVE?!?!?!?!? kids are expensive ...



Audioholic Chief
Except for a couple guys, like Bryce sounds like he does well for himself, with his gear list and 7200 sq ft home... I would imagine Irv does very well just by his first name, Adam is constantly buying faucets so he is making at least $1500 a week, Zei is successful judging by how he spends money like a pirate, ect :D:D:D...
Nod. There are some highly capable people on this forum - not just financially - I'm constantly impressed as I learn what people do here - everything from craftsmanship to technology to entrepreneurs. I think being into audio/video often is a result of certain traits like attention to detail and a pretty analytical mindset. This forum especially because it attracts the types who want things quantified (scientific thinkers, even if not scientists). This might not be the 'top earners,' but those who can find success in niches.

I have a hot office manager that i hired on looks alone, so I am pretty sure that is reverse discrimination or something like that... OK that is really a joke, I don't need a law suit, lol... really thats a joke, she's not very attractive at all, no ok, the last 4 lines of text are just for fun, seriously..
There is insurance for that, actually lol. I forget what it is called, but, it basically is a protection against stuff like 'he used bad language' or 'he fired me because I was a women/gay/black/white/etc"

Florida is an At-Will state, which, doesn't give a greenlight for everything, but, doesn't require you to state a reason for why you're firing someone. This is good because if you don't state a reason, it's harder for them to sue you for some crap. That said, they still can - but it is better..


Audioholic Slumlord
Let's say it together Irv, "There are many different ways to make your fortune, and none of them are right for everybody".
I must say that I do admire your people skills. I'm sure he'll see it your way now.


Audioholic Ninja
I must say that I do admire your people skills. I'm sure he'll see it your way now.
My wife just read through this thread, lol... Her exact words or word rather "why", lol... I laughed, I said "I am bored" she said "you can rub my back if your bored".. lol...
She says "no one is going to do what you have done or as well, be happy with that" then she went and started a bath, :)...

I have a hard time seeing things how other people see them, this is my fault... For instance, I like to use a small push mower to cut my grass {when I have the time}, we have 3 acres of lawn, and I was being charged $155 every 7-10 days to have it done {over $4K a year}, instead I spent $10K on a commercial zero turn mower, some weed wackers, blowers, a hedge trimmer, and a push mower.. I take care of the lawn myself and have done so since shortly after we moved in so I have easily saved the cost of the equipment {plus its still worth around $7K if I were to sell it all}. But my point is, I will use the push mower to cut the grass over the zero turn when I have the spare time, people have asked why I push mow it when that is a lot of work takes a lot of time and I have the other machine that can do it in 20 minutes..... and I say "if you have to ask, you will never understand my answer"...

Hard work is pay in itself, so I will admit, its easier to hand your money to a "specialist" and let them invest it for you and pay them for their services, {slower, not as lucrative, and riskier than my methods, but to each their own}, but there is a sense of pride I get from knowing I built my platform, I DID IT.... I turned very little into a lot more with hard work, structure, and planning... Sure in the beginning I single handedly filled a few dozen 30 yard dumpsters with demo waste from buildings I had to reconstruct, I rebuilt a few by myself, at night and on weekend after my normal job, learned how to cut crown molding by watching a video on the internet, ect.. It was hard work, but I have a strong back and I am the type to park in the last parking spot away from the building so I can walk a little before I get there instead of driving around for 10 minutes to get a "good"spot...

Irv, I wasn't calling you lazy, I apologize if you took it that way, not my intention, I must have posted that rite after I got done working out, kind of aggressive and pumped up during that part of the day..
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Audioholic Ninja
What's she doing out of the kitchen? :D
I cringe when that women goes in the kitchen, she is 100% vegan, and I can promise you you don't want to eat anything she cooks... Thats not really true, there are a few good things, but none of which couldn't be made better with a little, cheese, chicken , and or beef....

Our first dinner date {not our first date or meeting and not really dinner it was like 2:30} I knew she was vegatarian and vegan what ever, lol. So I pick her up on my motorcycle, rite away she says "I never been on a motorcycle and my hair is going to get all messed up from the helmet, lets take my car, them are not safe" and I was like "Nope, hop on, I will drive very safe", she pulls her hair back and puts the helmet on, she looked so cute it was funny. then she asks me "where is the seat belt", LOL.... Anyway, I take her to this place I know has a vegan part to their menu, I never read past the words "VEGAN/VEGATARIAN", but I knew it was there... It wasn't anything fancy, we were younger and I was poor, so I order a Hamburger with extra swiss chz and straw mushrooms, she orders some tofu pizza with rice on it and no chz, lol..... I knew we were a perfect match...

We went to dinner with friends last night, she ordered sweet potato and squash ravioli with pumpkin gravy I ordered a 14oz NY strip smothered in onions and mushrooms, with a side of green beans and mini roasted potatoes... She sat and ate her meal quietly, very low profile, I on the other hand, had 4 different people come to the table to say hello, and was called away at least three times to other tables for a quick hello or anecdotal story confirmation... We were with a friend of mine, his wife and her sister and husband who are in town from VT. My friend said his sister made a comment about how "that was a very odd dinner, and how I was so outspoken and outgoing while my wife was the opposite {she is actually really fun and funny, she was just a little quieter than normal last night}" and he told her "yah, they are about as opposite as you can get, but there is no force on earth that could separate them"... I don't know why I am sharing this, shes still reading a book in the bath and I am bored...


Audioholic Samurai
I like to use a small push mower to cut my grass {when I have the time}
Me too. It's great exercise and somehow calming. I got a new Zmaster a few years ago, and gotta say it is the most fun mower I ever had. But my wife couldn't/wouldn't drive it. Sold it after a few years and went back to a traditional Deere. Worked out well, as my wife had to mow a couple times after the rotator cuff surgery.

She says "no one is going to do what you have done or as well
Sounds like you have indeed found the perfect companion for you. Congratulations!

Chu Gai

Audioholic Samurai
Some may know who James Carville and Mary Matalin are. They are well known strategists and political commentators. He's pretty hardcore Democrat while she's Republican. They're married with a couple of kids and have been for some time. I believe it was Mary who was asked how they could possible have gotten together let alone married with such such strong, opposite political views. She said something like it wasn't important what each believed, what was important was that they believed in each other.


Audioholic Ninja
Some may know who James Carville and Mary Matalin are. They are well known strategists and political commentators. He's pretty hardcore Democrat while she's Republican. They're married with a couple of kids and have been for some time. I believe it was Mary who was asked how they could possible have gotten together let alone married with such such strong, opposite political views. She said something like it wasn't important what each believed, what was important was that they believed in each other.
Opposites Attract, My wife wouldn't hurt a fly, she was looking into humane ways to get rid of ants, lol... I am an avid hunter, she is very non violent, I boxed for a while and now that I think back I think I only played football to hurt other people... She wont put anything unnatural on or in her body, I, well most of you know my story... I care about money and she could not care less {sometimes}.... The list goes on and on, I like a hard mattress she likes it soft...
Sometimes I think the only thing we have in common is each other, lol... But I could not live with out her. She has this way about her that makes me know, she is better than everyone else in the world, I don't think I am better than anybody, we are all the same, BUT she is better than everyone I have ever met, she doesn't feel that way, because mirrors don't do her justice... I can be so headstrong about something and sure about my position and in a single sentence she will bring me back to reality, yet she will stand behind me no matter what...

Me too. It's great exercise and somehow calming. I got a new Zmaster a few years ago, and gotta say it is the most fun mower I ever had. But my wife couldn't/wouldn't drive it. Sold it after a few years and went back to a traditional Deere. Worked out well, as my wife had to mow a couple times after the rotator cuff surgery.

Sounds like you have indeed found the perfect companion for you. Congratulations!

It is awesome exercise, I made some custom bars so I don't have to bend over to push it but with a 3 acre lawn you walk 16 miles!!! With the push mower it takes me about 5 1/2 hours with the weed wacking and blowing off the driveway... With my Exmark zero turn it takes an hour and a half lol..

My wife is perfect for me, she would be perfect for anyone, just lucky for me she likes me for some reason... My mother has a theory, she says I am so evil that if I didn't find someone so innocent and perfect like my wife the world would have imploded..
walter duque

walter duque

Audioholic Samurai
Opposites Attract, My wife wouldn't hurt a fly, she was looking into humane ways to get rid of ants, lol... I am an avid hunter, she is very non violent, I boxed for a while and now that I think back I think I only played football to hurt other people... She wont put anything unnatural on or in her body, I, well most of you know my story... I care about money and she could not care less {sometimes}.... The list goes on and on, I like a hard mattress she likes it soft...
Sometimes I think the only thing we have in common is each other, lol... But I could not live with out her. She has this way about her that makes me know, she is better than everyone else in the world, I don't think I am better than anybody, we are all the same, BUT she is better than everyone I have ever met, she doesn't feel that way, because mirrors don't do her justice... I can be so headstrong about something and sure about my position and in a single sentence she will bring me back to reality, yet she will stand behind me no matter what...

It is awesome exercise, I made some custom bars so I don't have to bend over to push it but with a 3 acre lawn you walk 16 miles!!! With the push mower it takes me about 5 1/2 hours with the weed wacking and blowing off the driveway... With my Exmark zero turn it takes an hour and a half lol..

My wife is perfect for me, she would be perfect for anyone, just lucky for me she likes me for some reason... My mother has a theory, she says I am so evil that if I didn't find someone so innocent and perfect like my wife the world would have imploded..
Not to derail this thread, but I see you got Carver mono blocks in you SIG.. Could you possible post some pictures of them? I have had a few Carver amps over the years but never any mono blocks. Which ones do you have??


Audioholic Overlord
What's all this BS about working 40hrs/wk? I didn't even know that was available. Now I may be willing to bike for 40 hours during one week but it would be silly to even work half that amount of time....
walter duque

walter duque

Audioholic Samurai
What's all this BS about working 40hrs/wk? I didn't even know that was available. Now I may be willing to bike for 40 hours during one week but it would be silly to even work half that amount of time....
You're lucky, I end up doing 80 hours+. Times are though in my neck of the woods. Upstate NY is dead for any decent jobs, used to be great money but times here have changed.
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Audioholic Ninja
Not to derail this thread, but I see you got Carver mono blocks in you SIG.. Could you possible post some pictures of them? I have had a few Carver amps over the years but never any mono blocks. Which ones do you have??
they aren't the old carver mono blocks the are like the BPA's, except 200x1 in mono mode, I have 3 of the old m400a Carver mono blocks {2 of their original boxes, 1 I picked up on ebay a while back} but they aren't hooked up, them are in the storage room, now along with the Jade 5's in this picture and Wd subs too... I actually just sold the preamp in that picture {the one to the left} and the 2 carvers with the stands on ebay for around $700 {separately in 2 auctions on ebay}...
this system is a little different now, I have a Piano RM 1.3 turntable on top of that parasound pre and I have a pair of piano sb12nsd's in there instead of the wd subs.. Plus the room is back together now, my wife wanted colors changed and in this pic the moldings aren't back on the walls yet, its from earlier in the year...
I do a lot of my listening in there, almost all my vinyl listening because it is set away from my main houses living area, this is a 2 bed 2 bath guest suite that we hardly ever use so everything in there is safe from kids and wives, Plus I would have to get the volume pretty high to disturb anyone, I can blast this system {its only 1200 watts total} and not bother my wife watching tv in the living room, where with my other 2.2 the formal parlor is only 20ft from our living room...
I will change this gear around pretty often, I have a stack of bookshelfs I like to swap out, although I have been selling them off, I think the next 2 sets I buy are philharmonitors and sierra 2's, but for rite now I like the csb1's in there a lot, its a long narrow living room, I think its 12x28, that wall to the left is not a full wall, its a 2x2 square that is hiding support columns, its all open and them little books and towers fill it with ease...

anywhere here is a pic of the amps...

walter duque

walter duque

Audioholic Samurai
they aren't the old carver mono blocks the are like the BPA's, except 200x1 in mono mode, I have 3 of the old m400a Carver mono blocks {2 of their original boxes, 1 I picked up on ebay a while back} but they aren't hooked up, them are in the storage room, now along with the Jade 5's in this picture and Wd subs too... I actually just sold the preamp in that picture {the one to the left} and the 2 carvers with the stands on ebay for around $700 {separately in 2 auctions on ebay}...
this system is a little different now, I have a Piano RM 1.3 turntable on top of that parasound pre and I have a pair of piano sb12nsd's in there instead of the wd subs.. Plus the room is back together now, my wife wanted colors changed and in this pic the moldings aren't back on the walls yet, its from earlier in the year...
I do a lot of my listening in there, almost all my vinyl listening because it is set away from my main houses living area, this is a 2 bed 2 bath guest suite that we hardly ever use so everything in there is safe from kids and wives, Plus I would have to get the volume pretty high to disturb anyone, I can blast this system {its only 1200 watts total} and not bother my wife watching tv in the living room, where with my other 2.2 the formal parlor is only 20ft from our living room...
I will change this gear around pretty often, I have a stack of bookshelfs I like to swap out, although I have been selling them off, I think the next 2 sets I buy are philharmonitors and sierra 2's, but for rite now I like the csb1's in there a lot, its a long narrow living room, I think its 12x28, that wall to the left is not a full wall, its a 2x2 square that is hiding support columns, its all open and them little books and towers fill it with ease...

anywhere here is a pic of the amps...

Thanks for the pictures, nice amp set-up anyway. Whole system looks good. Those amp stands are a great idea.


Audioholic Ninja
Thanks for the pictures, nice amp set-up anyway. Whole system looks good. Those amp stands are a great idea.

Here's a pic of what it looks like now, well placement is different, I did n't set the turntable up yet in this pic so no tt here, and there is a rug in front of the speakers now... {Kneeling on that hard tile floor sucked... The tv is hooked through an avr in a closet about 20 feet away, when I built this house, I ran power, hdmi, coax, and rca's from the closet to the tv as well as a string figuring I would never have to get in the walls again... Well then I wanted to put a stereo down there instead of the 5.1 it used to be, so I had to run cables from that tv box down to behind that preamp. So now the cable box and smart tv go to the avr, the avr has no speakers hooked to it, just a set of rca's going to the parasound 2100 pass through input and the hdmi going to the tv... So the tv is muted and when you watch tv you can hear it through the speakers and subs via the parasound preamp.... It works pretty good, I was going to run a center and power it by the avr, but once I listened to it this way it works perfect with no center channel, and I never watch tv in there, that is just for the guests, and there are tv's in each of the 2 guest bedroom too, so really just overkill, but its a cheap @ss tv, I bought for my office about 5 years ago... I am going to take some new pictures this week, I am constantly changing stuff, I need to update my sig too...

I really want sierra 2's but I love how these sound, I am thinking maybe instead I will put a pair of sierra towers in here on the side of the bookshelfs...



Audioholic Overlord
When is the projector with the Black Diamond screen going in?


Audioholic Ninja
When is the projector with the Black Diamond screen going in?

I am not a big tv guy, I watch some movies and some shows, probably average 12 hours a week and that includes the news.. I spend as little on tv's as I can, I have a RCA with a built in dvd player in my bedroom, lol, my biggest tv is a 55" LG that was on sale for under $700 when I bought it... I was never into big money tv's, it just never made sense to me, I actually prefer a "bad " picture, the new pictures with that soap opera effect makes me sick, it looks so fake...

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