Emotiva XMC-1 FINALLY shipping!!!



Audioholic Slumlord
Dude. I keep checking the UPS website multiple times a day hoping for a change in status. It's like a sickness.
They typically arrive ahead of schedule but you better be home when they do.:D


Audioholic Slumlord
My XMC shipped yesterday. According to UPS it will deliver next Thursday the 28th. So I'm sure I will be spending the whole weekend getting it set up and tweaked. I'll be sure to give you guys a full report the week after.
"Full" means you must include a FR graph of Dirac Vs Pure Direct or Stereo, one for the main speaker only and the other for the sub, please, you promised...


Audioholic Samurai
I thought Dirac isn't on the XMC-1 yet because they were having issues. It is supposed to be released in software update? Did they finally put it in?


Audioholic Spartan
No Dirac hasn't been finalized yet. Emo is saying in about a month.


Audioholic Samurai
1 Month of Emo Time = 9 months to the rest of us
Lol, just because they are about 2+ years late you are going to give them a hard time :). Actually I have been curious about. This unit and it seems like they have been very proactive with updates.


Audioholic Slumlord
I was only going by what I read from their website. I do not recall anything about it being not ready. Well as usual, one has to read advertisement very carefully..


Audioholic Warlord
Lol, just because they are about 2+ years late you are going to give them a hard time :). Actually I have been curious about. This unit and it seems like they have been very proactive with updates.
Well, it's not like it's the first time Emo has pulled such a trick. XSP-1 for example. If they had released it anywhere near the time they said they would, I would own one now.

And, how about those tube amps they were gonna do with Bob Carver? Vapor-ware.


Audioholic Samurai
Bob and emotiva split back in 2013. Was never going to happen.


Audioholic Jedi
Bob and emotiva split back in 2013. Was never going to happen.
No surprise, huh?

Anyone know what really happened? :D

So until they have Dirac (year or whenever), will the pre-pro have EMO-Q3 or something?


Audioholic Field Marshall
You think not having DIRAC is bad, the XMC-1 does not have ATMOS.
Folks are tearing their close over that. :p

- Rich


Just got my email and ordered today, got to send in my discount card. Hope to have mine by middle of Sept.!!!!!!


Audioholic Spartan
No room correction yet but you do have 11 bands of PEQ to play around with.

I got it last night but yelled and screamed for at the thing for about an hour because I couldn't get the damn triggers to work. I have both of my amps plugged into the Belkin PF31 because I'm out of wall outlets. Well for some reason the Belkins' switched outlets won't even turn on with the XMC. I had no such trouble with the UMC-1 or the Marantz. I don't know what they changed but it sucks. I ended up turning on the switched outlets manually and the amps freaked out, turning on and off hella fast, sounded like a typewriter. I did happen to read on the Emo forum that others were having this same issue and that the temporary fix is to use a trigger cable with a resistor wired in or something. If I hadn't read about this on their forum it would have scared the hell out of me.

So I ended up bypassing the triggers and turning on the amps manually just to make sure I had my speaker connections right and then it was time for bed. So I didn't even get to listen to the damn thing last night.

Also when I was checking the connections I noticed that I got no sound from my rear sub. I think I had the XMC set to "Dual Mono" for subs. Maybe you have to set it to stereo to get test tones out of both subs.

I don't know man. I was SO excited for this thing but now it's starting to feel like the UMC-1 all over again.:mad:

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