Removing the compressor was a challenge. My ex-mechanic had snapped one of the bolts which now acts as a stud or post which was seized in the compressor housing making it hold the compressor in place even after the two healthy(er) bolts were removed. Now the manifold bolt in the compressor has to come out in order for me to reuse the compressor. That's a $200 bolt. If I can't get it out ... reman compressor. Should I just get the reman anyway?
I've got enough grease on my DeWalt impact that it's really no longer house grade.
If I get a new compressor then I'll have to worry about doing a re&re on the clutch. That is a whole separate @ssache. No ... the bolt must come out. My hand held impact is down at Eddie's. I think I need that because the bolt is worn and rusted to the point that one of those Craftsman bolt extractor sockets is on it. Downward force from a hammer strike is going to be what it takes to keep the socket on and continually biting the bolt ... but how hard can I hit this sh!t?.
Maybe boring to you but driving around in August like a Sweat Hog isn't any fun either. I don't want to drive to Eddie's.
My life blows.
Edit #2: I just re-read and saw the bolt head is snapped off.
Is the head or manifold aluminum? (where the bolt is)
In your case. (you probably tried this already) I'd soak it in Liquid Wrench, repeatedly, for as long as you can.
Use a breaker bar or pipe on the end of socket or wrench to get as much leverage as you can fit in there.
If you can fit a drift pin right on top of the stud, I'd hit that with a hammer a few good shots, along with the liquid wrench.
The best way to get a bolt like that out is heat.
Usually 02 & acetylene. It will take ten seconds; you have to get the bolt red. I've had it work even using a small atctylene (yellow tank) The real stubborn, rusted bolts have to be red hot and the come right out.
Edit: Bring to one of those outdoor car washes with the spray wand. Wash all the grease off the engine first.
I know how you hate to get messy.

Good luck, at least you have nice weather.