Me, too.

I don't remember thinking that it was an attempt to get more money out of me (but it's been almost 17 years), but rather an example of content incompetence that annoyed me greatly. It started with this - they gave me a truck that wasn't fully fueled, but rather only had a quarter of a tank. I mentioned it, the dude just said that it only had to read that much when I brought it back. I figured, "whatever," as I was driving the truck a total of something like five miles. Seriously. I lived by the rental place, and I was moving from one apartment to another one about a mile away. Well...the truck ran out of gas, so they said. Apparently, right after I had parked it at the new place, as it simply wouldn't start the next morning. The mechanic said the gauge was wrong and that they gave me the truck with basically no gas in it. I think that I just told them to take the truck with them once they got it running.