So true.

Except, mine go in the opposite order most of the time.
Too bad Alex doesn't live closer. I wouldn't have half as many things.
Heh, try and get rid of stuff.
Couple tricks and tips:
* Have a box around that I use to put stuff that "I'm not sure if I'll need" ... once it's full I write the date on it. If in one year, I don't open it searching for something, it gets tossed.
* Clean a drawer per day/week/etc. - lots of people do spring cleanings and stuff, I find continual, small, increments to work better for me.
* Churches take clothing, dump that **** in garbage bags. If you haven't worn it in 6 months, its time for it to go.
* eBay stuff as time permits.
* Disconnect your printer (maybe a little on the radical side, but, damn does it help! I sign stuff using a Wacom tablet, and stay mostly paperless).
Oh, and toss the vacuum box!!!!