That is a fair point and it is of course possible. In my case, I did not do my comparison listening by myself either and I was sure others with me have excellent hearings. Also, I could pick out the difference in sound between speakers and minute distortions in certain recordings that others claim could not detect. I suspect you walked into this from the beginning already influenced by those internet and dealers hearsay. Yes on the internet you can find similar claims but you could also find similar counter claims or counter both claims (as I do) so what does that really tell you? That's why I believe in facts and figures first, however incomplete, they are more objective, from there I then go and find out for myself as base my final decsion on my own subjective perception. My subjective perception is literally subjective, totally not to be confused with facts.
Think about if it make any logical and/or scientific sense to you, that manufacturers would some how do that sort of thing with their gear. If they did it purposely then I have nothing good to say about them. If they did it accidentally then it would not have been so consistent for such long time. And it this is all true, then we are in deep trouble trying to categorize not only which brands are warmer than others, but also grade them, or I guess we have to do comparison listening to at least a few models of many brands, to find out what we really like, that would be ridiculous considering today's technological advance.
One not so easy way you can do to resolve this issue without basing on something naturally subjective, is to do some real and reasonably well conducted blind tests with some friends together. Or just don't bother asking or telling, just believe what you belive and go with what you like. No one can't dispute what you claimed as long as you don't pass it around as facts, but rather just your own perception.
I stumbled upon bright and warm opinions during my search for the new AV. I did not know anything about warm and bright differences. It just got me very curious and I wanted to learn and see if those claims are valid or just BS opinions. Yes, I agree, we might say every claim is subjective and only measurements are true facts.
The manufacturers not necessary plan for the sound to be bright or warm. It might just be an outcome of their manufacturing process? (parts, components, design, etc.)
Yes, the specifications should tell us everything, but many times we see very similar specifications but different results.
Speakers probably would be a good example. Why not compare the AV receivers to speakers? They all different, but specification wise not that far away.
Same with tvs. They all are pre-programmed to display specific colors to attract the buyer and none of them are calibrated to ISO standards and even if they were the picture would look different as the equipment would not necessary be able to produce perfect calibrated signal.
Why? Because every brand uses different components and designs their equipment in different way. Why don't we just have one brand for everything?
Equipment differs and that is just the way it is. Why do we have so many DACs? Many use same chips and still sound better according to so many people? (do they?)
But according many others they just the same as specifications are the same. It all might be subjective, but there has to be some truth to those little tiny differences.
Of course, we should be comparing apples to apples.
I am not trying to spread the news that Marantz is warm and Denon is bright. This is just my opinion based on my own subjective tests, but because it was very easy for me to distinguish those differences I made few statements about it. If i could tell so easily together with few people that joined me during the testing, would not this prove that there is some truth to it?
What happens to dozen of subjective opinions that are similar? Are those still subjective?
Sure, I will choose what I like the most myself as even if something has perfect specifications but my ear prefers something that looks worse on the paper I will go with what feels better to me.
Its my investment.
I find this forum very interesting as I can learn a lot, so why not ask and share my findings.