How is Windows not quiet?

Just because you used loud PCs doesn't mean that the OS can't be run on a quiet machine.
Windows is not a quiet operating system because of all this shouting and wining that appear from people using it.... when it's too slow or things doesn't work the right way

You can say the same about most Linux distros too
well, seriously. I have no trouble with Windows, I'm a professional in this area and I deal with the technology the clients utilize, Windows is ubiquitous
I have been Trying OpenSUSE, Suse Enterprise Server, Suse Enterprise, Desktop, Fedora, Ubuntu, XUbuntu, Suse Enterprise Server JeOS, Redhet Enterprise Server, Linux Mint, Bodhi Linux.....
Among all of these, probably Windows is the easisest to make everything work, but it's certainly not the quickest and most reliable......
I do have a Suse Enterprise Server JeOS as a music server and it runs 24/7 with 100.00000% uptime on a small netbook
You can do this with Windows too, but not Windows 8, Windows Server, yes .....