In this article Chris says, "It's not a good idea to change the trims because that will throw off the Dynamic EQ calibration. If you want the system to play louder just turn up the master volume".
My take away is that, if one changes the channel trims (most likely Subwoofer trim since most folks complain that sub is too low and we routinely tell folks to increase the trim), DEQ calculations post Audyssey auto-calibration are rendered invalid. To state it alternately, channel trims should not be used as a work around to give infinite DEQ variability.
Chris also says, "In any case, it's not a
huge deal to change the trims if you feel the need to. The most important part of Audyssey--the filters--are not affected by trim levels."
I've played around with the trims. It does not affect Audyssey. It only adjusts the DEQ effects.
For example, if you prefer more DEQ, you can increase all trims by 0.5dB, 1.0dB, etc. It doesn't affect Audyssey. It doesn't affect the midrange or treble. It only affects the magnitude of DEQ. Mainly the punchiness and dynamics of the bass. It is not Dynamic Volume where the Volume is increased and dynamically compressed. The ONLY thing I get out of DEQ personally is better subwoofer dynamics. The bass sounds punchier, snappier, faster, more dynamic, while the midrange and treble appears utterly unchanged.
Like Chris says and I don't know how to say it any more simple,
it's NOT a huge deal to change the trims.