Alex heard the Yamaha P/S series on Chris's setup (WmAx) setup. He could chime in.
WmAx certainly knew what he was doing and taught me and a great deal of others a lot about this hobby. He put the Yamaha onto my radar.
I did hear those amps at Chris' house. With all due respect for Chris, he was a total nut job but that system set the bar for sounding so incredibly good that nothing to date has come close. I believe that level of fidelity has
way more to do with the speakers and room treatments than electronics but rest assured that he wasn't about to let electronics get in the way of fidelity.
He used a Yamaha RX-V2600 for a pre-amp and eventually I got one for myself. I would have ended up with 4 of those Yamaha pro amps with the blue face but through God's good grace ... I can't talk about how much I love Jerry Love any more. Let me skip to the part where I say that even though those amps have fans, they never turned on in that listening environment.
For my personal needs I ended up with a more economical and completely satisfactory combination of used Marantz MA500U and MA700U amps.
If you have an equipment closet away from the listening area (I don't) pro amps with audible fans are not in any way problematic.
I heard a pair of
hephaestus amps in a sighted comparison and can assure you that since my abilities to discern sound quality with one of my hearing addled ears is better than anybody else's perfectly good two ears, there is indeed a better sound to be had with big bucks spent on that amp but the return on investment would have me looking at better speakers instead, if I was in fact looking for better sound quality.
There's a lot of factors to the variety of
capable amps. The sound that comes out of the speakers in my
humble opinion isn't one of the big factors. I have met and respect guys that feel differently ... like Walter, for example. It's his money, his ears and most importantly his satisfaction that count. I could say the same thing about high dollar cables and even cable elevators. In this hobby it's about whatever pushes your hair back.