To drink cheap beer with other scumbags.
About 1/2 a mile south on the same side of the road across the street from the liquor store. It was even scuzzier than the first place. Just my speed.
A tidy sum ... so how come your used audio gear has such steep asking prices?
Adam knew I'd get to this eventually.
What used audio gear? I hardly ever sell anything, if I do I usually trade it or give it to someone {just gave me mother a evo210 set and ev02 center for her ht, and bought her a ryhthmik lv12 because I wanted to test it out}...... If I sell something it is usually on ebay, I do need to clear out a ton of gear this year, one of my resolutions is to clean out the basement, I just pack rat stuff for no reason...
Now if you say I am the worlds cheapest "audiophile" I would agree, I will gladly buy Bstock to save $10 than pay full price, I am very cheap, not when it comes to my motorcycles and guns, but everything else, lol.... I won't buy a tv for more than $1000 NEVER I don't care if it comes with a sofa, not more than $999... I wont spend a lot on computers, I am very "cheap" when it comes to certain things... I have switched cell phone providers for $12 a month.... But with other stuff I am stupid, I bought a juke box for $12K last year, a own 3 Blaser r8's because I like them, lol...
Any profit from my non primary job gets reinvested, thats how you build to 20+ pieces of property with no mortgages, when you have a 200K year, you take that profit and either buy another property or pay off a couple mortgages, its just like the game monopoly, you take 130K and pay off a mortgage that had 12 years left on it at $1400 per month you save a lot of future money spent on interest, you do this 10 years in a row, you end up owning a bunch of property with and just owing the taxes, but here is the beauty part... Its all FREE!!! It cost you NOTHING, you buy the first piece of property for $125K with a 15 year mortgage, rent it for $300 a month more than it costs you, if you have a good year and 80% of that surplus is profit, you roll it into the mortgage, do this with 10 houses and average that 80% {which gets easier with more property} they are all rented, you run a tight ship, keep good tenants happy and never take a dime from the business, just keep rolling it into paying off property, since you don't need the money because you have a regular job that pays your bills.... At the end of 15 years if you are smart and do the work yourself with good tenants and good buying sense, you could have 2+ million dollars of PAID OFF property, so now you are still getting $450K a year in rents, BUT you don't have any mortgages, just taxes which should be around $70 per year for real estate and $120K in income taxes and fees!!! leaving you with around $250K a year to reinvest or buy bubble gum... Or you can sell the property and be done with it, just take your 2+ million and walk away, which wouldnt be very smart since you are profiting 250K per year in 8 years you will have the money the sale would have brought with out paying all them gains taxes, and in a perfect world the property will be appreciating 5% per year {not in the last 7 years in my area, lol}...
Anyway that is a free lesson in business

, my grand father always said "buy low sell high"....
PS what someone makes a year is not important, that is just a business, that I started by working an additional 20 or 30 hours a week over my normal full time job, some good luck, some good business decisions and it is what it is, I have 2 kids to put through college. I went weeks without seeing my kids when they were younger because I left before they were awake and came home after they were sleeping, I hope it would be worth something... Too many people work there 40 hours and do what I call the "legal minimum" and then look down on others that drive around in a nice car and have a nice house, not thinking we can all do it, its America, I started out with nothing built a business out of a licence I got from working a job for $15 an hour, living in an apartment house that I now own....
Money doesn't make the man... We are all equals, because you can not take it with ya, but not making all you can make working as hard as you can to give your family the most you can should be a sin... Now if you choose not to have a family, then you only have yourself to do rite by... EZ enough... I wasn't that lucky...
I don't mean to offend anyone, not my intention, I try not to discuss business on here, but its 75% of my life, its hard sometimes...