Really Boring Stuff Only III: Resurrection



Audioholic Spartan
All of America will join you in that boycott.
Weird Al should not be allowed to make speeches.

I am currently on a 25 game win streak on Free Cell.

We're going here. I don't see any prices on the menu. :eek:
This is actually quite serious stuff !!!!!


Audioholic Samurai
Ah, another new years eve. The wife has been in bed since 9:00pm and I'm looking at things I can not afford.


Audioholic Jedi
Just heard a firework, but luckily Niki slept through it (it was a low frequency boom and fairly quiet). All I have on right now is the whole house fan, a ceiling fan, and the TV. At ~11pm, the dishwasher goes hot, and then at ~11:30pm I'll add in the washer and dryer...although I might put the dryer on low and start it earlier.


Audioholic Ninja
Mutt muffs, they are only around $60, I use them with the hunting dogs when they are puppies, it helps get them used to the gun shots...



Audioholic Jedi
Thanks, man. Problem with those muffs is that she sleeps on her side, and those would get in the way. That...and she would probably be more bothered by the muffs than the noise. :) If she was a puppy, she might be cool with them, but not now.


Audioholic Ninja
then the next option is a benadryl, my male used to get very nervous when taking him for trips longer than 15 or 20 minutes, we would stop and let him run off some energy and then he wouldnt want to get back in the car, he would cry and fight then be impossible to control once in the car. He was fine initially getting in, but after 15-20 minutes he would start flipping out... So my vet said to give him benadryl tablets 30 minutes prior, and vawalah, problem solved, I could drive to mexico with out stopping and he would be fine...


today is the day i need to peal myself off the lounge sweet with a nice hangover from last night safe to say i would rather be sleeping then out at stephs parents house


Audioholic Slumlord
2014 will mark 10 years of sobriety for me if you don't count the weed, the pills, the coke and all those mushrooms. :D

j/k ... mostly kidding


Audioholic Spartan
2014 will mark 10 years of sobriety for me if you don't count the weed, the pills, the coke and all those mushrooms. :D

j/k ... mostly kidding
Your mind works in interesting ways sober... You must have been a real pip on shrooms.:D



Audioholic Slumlord
Wow, congrats and very impressive.
I'm sure you can imagine, Cheryl has a lot to do with that ... but we met in a place called Billy's Frosted Mug, home of the Anus Burger. Every week some wit would erase the 'g' from the dry erase marker-board menu.

Good luck to those of you that are hurtin' for certain. :p

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