Surgery didn't happen after all. Doc said my eye has issues for sure - abnormal pigmentation/spotting, lattice, small tears, but the retina is still attached, so nothing they can "fix" yet. Have to go back in Jan. No strenuous activity for 6 weeks
Yeah, so doc was saying "Nothing serious at the moment, but if you start to see shadows in your field of vision come in immediately because you have about 48hrs before the damage is irreversible." Um, that sounds pretty serious to me...but obviously that isn't an issue right now.
I cover up, but I don't stifle them, though I do tend to blow my nose pretty hard. Haven't had any nasal issues recently that I would link to this though. Doc basically said it is likely age related, but I have had some other recent issues that all seem to be linked and now have to check with my primary doctor to see if that's what it is. The eye issue research lead me to another disorder that retina issues are directly related to and there's no cure, only treatment. Thankfully it is mainly just a nuisance kind of thing and nothing that will presumably shorten my life and I've had it for most of my life already. I just didn't know what it was; likely it has more of an impact as I get older though.
That was the other eye and it wasn't really an impact, it just happened to land on top of my shooting glasses