Check your settings on your processor. Either you have an input level set differently between input types or you have DSP bass management engaged on the analog inputs.
i haven't measured the Marantz but there is NO difference between direct stereo and pure direct on Denon AVP.
Everything is flat, all speakers are large, Audyssey is disabled.
The Marantz does not have A/D converters on the 7.1 analog inputs.
The only options are Pure Direct and Direct and the sound change is present.
If I sit along the wall, it is very difficult to hear.
However, if I 7 feet centered between each speaker (there is over 20 feet of open space to the rear), the sound difference is easily discern.
At least with the Marantz, the distinction between Pure Direct and Direct is real and not just marketing.
For todays listening, I used HD Tracks
Melody Gardot The Absence.
This is an excellent album and well recorded.
The signal path:
J River ->
WASAPI Event driven 24 Bit (unpadded) ->
BDP-105 USB DAC Single Ended dedicated FL outputs ->
Marantz 7.1 Analog inputs ->
Parasound A51 (XLR) ->
Revel Salons
The BDP-105 USB input bypasses all processing by the player.
- Rich