The chip technology has NOTHING to do with the weight of the product. Multi DAC chips have been around a very long time and the MIPS of the DSPs used on the AVP vs the 8801 are pretty similar. Not a lot has evolved in this aspect.
The reason the AVP weighs a lot more than the 8801 is the construction method, size of the power supply and output topology of the AVP. The analog preamp section of the AVP is far superior to the 8801 . As you said, it's overdesigned and there is NOTHING wrong with that.
There is also nothing wrong with doing modular card design. It made for a fairly easy upgrade path for the AVP to 3D. I spoke with the top certified tech that upgrades for Denon and other brands and he not only showed me the schematics but also told me he's never worked on a better engineered product than the AVP. I have high hopes that Marantz works very closely with the Denon engineers on their new pre/pro to preserve everything that is great about the AVP but with latest gen features that consumers want.
PS. A company like Lexicon / Levinson would never design a pre/pro of this caliber. They are too busy repackaging other people's gear in fancier chassis