Little green chicklets and saying thanks

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Audioholic Slumlord
Major Loser gave you an extra chicklet for nothing and you never even gave him a thanks. How ironic.
Not saying this is the case in this case but there is a certain 'cool factor' in keeping the Thanked:Thanks ratio high. I'm afraid I'm doomed in that department already so I like to use the rep thing. It counts for more points and keeps your ratio closer to the cool zone.. The rep thing gives you a chance to leave little messeges too. Snide little snipets if you like. :)

I don't think it's been mentioned here yet so I'll point out that you need to click on 'User CP' to see what's been happening recently.


It's a thankless job :(
I actually did say thanks... but I clicked it and nothing happened... like it does sometimes.

Went back just now.. and bingo... you the thanks registered right away. Anyway, thanks for the chicklet!


I have a "small fanclub" now?

Hopefully over time the rep system does what it should which is let users, especially newer ones, who the good members are vs the fly by nighters.

It was just more of a curiosity question for me though. Hopefully I'll earn whatever thanks I get.


Audioholic Jedi
I have a "small fanclub" now? ... Hopefully I'll earn whatever thanks I get.
Chris, you've already earned it - you're just finally getting the chicklets for it!

As for the fan club, I think that you got that when you put up the pictures of the pool. :)


Audioholic Spartan
Hopefully I'll earn whatever thanks I get.
Many people can benefit from your knowledge, experience and even...opinions. If you are friendly, truthful and put some thought into answering the questions that people ask, you will have earned whatever thanks you get.

A lot of people are just looking for some rationale for making a decision on some issue or another. Some will base it on numbers and specs, others by the experience of veteran members. Some others may rely more on the opinions of certain posters to make their decision. So if you have a relevant comment to make that you think might be useful, don't be shy. Post up. And relax, too. If you make a mistake, it will surely be caught, corrected and more learning will be had by all.


I would think the majority of the time the red chicklets are given out because of a violation to forum rules. Are the mods the only people allowed to hand out red chicklets?

No. Anyone can hand out a red chicklet for bad advice.
I hand out a red chicklet anytime I see someone use false logic, give bad advice, or just wear their ignorance on their sleeve for all to see...


Audioholic Overlord
Many people can benefit from your knowledge, experience and even...opinions. If you are friendly, truthful and put some thought into answering the questions that people ask, you will have earned whatever thanks you get.

A lot of people are just looking for some rationale for making a decision on some issue or another. Some will base it on numbers and specs, others by the experience of veteran members. Some others may rely more on the opinions of certain posters to make their decision. So if you have a relevant comment to make that you think might be useful, don't be shy. Post up. And relax, too. If you make a mistake, it will surely be caught, corrected and more learning will be had by all.
Very well spoken my friend. Could not have said it better myself. Posts like this is what this forum is all about. Thank you.




Having been out of the loop for a few years, I had a lot of catching up to do. Conceptually, all this stuff is easy. But once you get into it, the nuts and bolts really start to raise a lot of questions.

Joining the forum was one of the best decisions I've made. I've gotten caught up in no time and made some good friends. It's what this stuff is all about.

Now, I try to return the favor by offering what I've learned in the past, and just in the past few months, to the "newbies" who ask the same questions I did a few months ago. I try and field some of the repetive questions from new users when I can. I figure taking some of the burden off you guys for the simple stuff is my way of saying thanks for all the help.

btw - my Thanks button still won't work all the time! It's intermittant... so I want to make it official and say THANKS to all you guys.


Audioholic Spartan
I've only recently learned about the "scale". To those who might have clicked it on my posts, and sent me a message, I may have not seen it!

As I just recently learned about User cp. Thanks for the comment, Alex.

So, I've been clicking a lot of "scales", but w/o ever leaving comment. That means they will never know? just curious if I am the "anonymous donator"... :p



I love it.:D
Well, if you ever want to check it out and see if it's working, feel free to click that button on any of my posts. :)
Just tried.... I click it and the button disappears and the other button **** over in it's spot.

Do I have to have certain amount of rep to give it out? Is that why? Anyway, it hasn't worked for a few days.


Audioholic Overlord
Just tried.... I click it and the button disappears and the other button **** over in it's spot.

Do I have to have certain amount of rep to give it out? Is that why? Anyway, it hasn't worked for a few days.
Chris, I have run into this problem too. It always says I need to spread the reps out more. I believe that you can use the scales to add a rep and then thank them but not vice-versa. At least, this is how I understand it anyways.




Audioholic Slumlord
Chris, I have run into this problem too. It always says I need to spread the reps out more. I believe that you can use the scales to add a rep and then thank them but not vice-versa. At least, this is how I understand it anyways.


That is right. After leaving rep points for somebody, you have to spread some around before you can leave them more. Then there are only so many rep points you can leave in a day I guess and the system tells you that you have to wait till the next day. The thanks thing is limitless AFAIK.

Recently I've seen a few new posters with the 1 chiklet thing going on but their info and insight has been pretty advanced. So you still can't judge a book by it's cover.


Audioholic Warlord
My chicklets seem kinda down, they sure could use a boost..:)
For someone with only 600 posts they seem to be in order. :eek:

I just gave you a third chicklet with my "Boost" Now get to work and earn it.
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