Sorry but I haven’t got the hang of getting the presentation correct. :-(
First plot
Here is a sweep of the SW isolated in the middle of a large room with mic near driver (green) I think it shows that the frequency range meets manufacturer’s spec roughly and that it can produce output in the 60-90hz range. I agree that its output volume is not very consistent and does not go much lower than 32dB
The top blue graph shows the sweep of the speaker back in its original place with mic near driver - similar to first measurement (I did not manage to get volume levels the same)
The bottom blue sweep show the output with the mic back at the MLP. Lots of response lost, so I guess this is room effects showing up.
Moved the SW to rear left corner behind seat about 200mm from each wall, port facing out, and 1m from the MLP.
View attachment 29570
Second plot
Showing response at new location (purple) vs old position mid room against wall (red) vs FR (YPAO Through, green) vs FR (YPAO Flat, blue). The corner position works much better and integrates better with the YPAO corrected front speaker (others were the same).
View attachment 29572
The last plot
Shows the SW+FL+FR (80hz crossover, YPAO Flat) averaged in REW
View attachment 29573
Looks like I am getting somewhere with understanding this SW !
Does it look like the gap between 60-90hz is now covered with small front speaker crossover set to 80hz?
Am I done or should I do more analysis? I will redo YPAO at three positions and maybe recheck REW sweeps..
Is a better SW going to work similarly in this location but give deeper bass?
If I can afford it one day I would probably consider SVS SW. What is recommended: PB or SB, 1000 or 2000 ?