Okay I changed my Avatar

I tuned and calibrated the SVS PB12-Plus with a SPL and now the
sound is fabulous; I may never go to a movie theater again

Maybe I will start a new thread and give more details with more pictures, including grill off pictures; the rosenut color is very nice! The new sub met and exceeded my expectations and the
boss likes it even though she said 'it is bigger that I thought it would be'
I also worked on my garage system relocated the Klipsch sub off the work bench (new place a sub on a wood workbench for good sound) to a padded felt mat on the ground (now it sounds very good); now I have a 5.1 system in the garage with pretty good sounding low notes.
Then I put up Christmas decorations. My wife had bought some specials at Beringer's after Christams sale last year: a 60" lighted santa and a 6 channel lighted music display. So I bought a lighted Jack Frost and some lighted candy canes and a Santa stocking. Now I have synchronized sound with Christmas tunes and Santa glowing with a small halogen spotlight. Now from an audioholic's viewpoint, the sound is all coming out of a single cheap 2 1/2" speaker.....
enough said!
P.S.- Phil I changed my Avatar as you suggested