Here is a list of countries.
Now those countries where you see 110/220 volts listed or 120/240 those countries are two phase no neutral at the higher voltage. So they can get 110 to 120 volts with a neutral but 220/240 volts with no neutral. This is because the transformer to the house is center tapped.
Actually the US is similar We are actually the same except that our receptacles are 120 volts with a neutral. Our larger appliances are 240 volts no neutral. These are things like water heaters, clothes driers and cooking stoves. With the exception of clothes driers these units are usually hard wired. The receptacle though looks completely different to the 120 volts ones.
However I see countries are making changes and most are going to 230/240 volts with neutral. I understand the Philippines are in the process of switching over with rural areas on the 110/220 volt system now.
So my guess is that your unit was actually manufactured for a country like Indonesia, that uses the system I describe. This could also be a packaging issue at the factory, with the wrong units in the wrong box. It is confusing as the voltage is the same, but in some jurisdictions there will be 220 to 240 volts no neutral while most will now have a neutral like India.
The list of countries on the 110/220 list is much shorter than when I last researched this a few years ago.