Boltonite said:
Thanks for the reply but that really doesn't answer the question I asked. I realize that both the 2600 and 1600 (as well as the 2700 and 1700) provide for video conversion. I'm also aware that (of these models) only the 2600 and 2700 perform video scaling. My question is, are the video scaling capabilities and quality identical? Do they employ the same Anchor Bay Technology’s ABT1010 video scaling chip? I could not find any information on what chip the 2600 uses.
And once again, how does the scaling by the Anchor Bay chip differ from the Faoudja scaling in the Pioneer models VSX-82TXS and VSX-84TXSi?
Hi Boltonite - I had the exact same questions. From what I've found out the 2700 will be superior in it's video scaling compared to the 2600. The 2600 uses an all in one de-interlacer/scaler from Oplus Technologies (A company based in Israel and bought by Intel early this year).
The 2700 uses a new Oplus chip purely for de-interlacing (From the 2600 reviews the Oplus seems to de-interlace extremely well but has questionable scaling). However it uses the new ABT chip for scaling.
All I know about the ABT chip is that Arcam chose to use it in their latest top end DVD player the DiVA DV137. That's good enough for me as it's a £1200+ DVD player!
I'm therefore currently extremely excited about the 2700. Not only will it switch all my old Standard Def kit to HDMI but it seems like it will scale it all using one of the best high end scaler chips on the market. It should also therefore transform your £130 Pioneer (or other budget player) into a top end upscaling DVD player by simply outputting an untouched interlaced signal and let the 2700 do the rest.
The Ethernet port is fantastic (It means I won't have to buy a Sqeezebox for the living room any more!). It has top end Burr Brown DAC etc and some new technology to make compressed music sound better (whatever... bring it on!). I will also use the 5.1 internet radio.
From what I can see this is my dream amp for the price and a few of you guys are being a little negative! Sure if you're not going to use the video aspects or any of the new features it's a waste of money - and will only serve to make the amp you need cheaper!
There is only one question I really have before I order:
Will the 2700 be able to upscale a video signal coming in via HDMI? The 2600 can't.
As for HDMI 1.3 - ok so the standard is out... But this technology won't be being manufactured for a year yet. At that point EVERYTHING will need replacing. All our HDMI switches, TV's, projectors, DVD players etc. To be honest by the time I get a HDMI 3 display and Blu-Ray or HD-DVD player I'll be happy to pump the signal direct. If Yamaha waited for HDMI 1.3 before releasing this it would be a LONG time coming and as I need an amp in the next few months I'm very happy they didn't.