Nomo said:
All things considered, I still have found no good reason to upgrade from my 1500.
let's see what the RX-V2700 can do that the 1500 can't...
Golly Gee ! I get XM radio.. the guys whose main sales point two years ago was "no advertising"...
wow. I can now take compressed, clipped, and garbled PC music and run it directly to my receiver on ethernet. what a feature !! and I can connect an I-Pod !! My music sounds like crap and it cost me fourteen hundred bucks to make this loud, but damn, am I cool !!
oh my. I get 7 (count them, there's seven) composite and S-video inputs, but have no room to fit my fingers on the speaker screws. I realize that with Blockbuster still having at least ten or so tapes in their VHS section, I would probably need at least six inputs, but not eight.
I'm speechless. I get multiple HDMI inputs with the guaranteed-to-work version 1.3 even though I could just run the HDMI directly to the TV.
Blood rushing at unbelieveable speed. With my HDMI 1.3, I might get audio nearly as clean as what already comes over a digital or fiber optic that already exists...
must find nearest defibrillator.. I get 10 more WPC from a receiver that was mathematically incapable of producing what the literature already claimed. quickly becoming overwhelmed here.
adrenaline exceeding levels allowed by Tour de France... all this for merely fourteen hundred dollars street price (which would have bought three RX-V1500s)
If the RX-V2700 is the latest and greatest, we must all bow to the greater wisdom that is Nomo...