mike c said:
jgarcia, looks like you've been collecting too

I started collecting from Uncanny X-men 240+ up to 320+ and the X-men (Blue team) #1 up to 40+ so I've only read those ... but I managed to get soft copies of ALL the X-men issues but haven't had the time to start reading. (soft copy = similar to PDF except this one is specifically for reading comic books)
Didn't know you could get them in soft copy, cool. I collected in the mid 100s, not sure where I stopped, but it was a long time ago. I have the Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix issues too, that I picked up after the fact. Also collected Alpha Flight, X-Factor and The New Mutants all from their first issues. I still have them all tucked away in plastic, in boxes somewhere.
I really thought it was a mistake to leave out Nightcrawler, as he was one of the more well done characters.
gellor said:
Heh. The theater I went to, they were warning everyone that there was more after the credits. After the credits, most of the people left groaned or said, "I waited for THAT?!"
Yeah, but apparently it was different in some places, according to someone in this thread.