Is that... *squint* Yamaha? Not that it matters much for 3 bucks apiece. Now there's something I could see impulse buying. Small, cheap undamaged and from a known manufacturer.
Damn! I just saw you quoted this. From waaaaay back. Lol
Yeah, they’re super clean. They are the mains in my BR 5.1 system. Believe it or not, they sound really nice. Especially for what they are.
I intend to put an RSL BS system in there one of these days. However subwoofer upgraditis has a firm grip on me now. Despite 14hz extension, I would like some more headroom. My three ported 12’s have more available than I’m using but I’ve smoked drivers in this big
a$$ space so... two fv25’s. Oh yeah...I’m married. Nvm......