Women and Home Theater: Audioholics 2008 State of The CE Union is For Everyone



Audioholic Jedi
Holy crap!

I hate you, girl!:D

You are the WOMAN!

But, I still hate you.:D

awwww, you say the nicest things! :D
Well, you know "IsALadysMan" is my last name.:eek:

Nothing but sweet words come out of my mouth.:D

I heard the AVR-5308CI is pretty complex, so you should have plenty of fun playing with that thing. I'm kind of scared of it myself.:eek:

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
My (latest) girlfriend was very impressed by the quality of the picture on my HD TV. On the other hand, her impression of the sound was limited to "could you turn it down some?".


Ah, will have to do that at the next event but..... don't hold your breath :)

With the way the economy is going the 2009 SOTU will likely happen at my house :rolleyes:
I am coming to SOTU next year even if I have to camp out in the yard...Got an extension cord handy...:D


Senior Audioholic
ROTFLMAO!!!! Thanks ADTG! Well I try to keep a fairly low profile, since even when I do speak up, all the spec geeks just jump all over me spouting numbers that have nothing to do with how it sounds!:rolleyes:;):p;):D

Damn, girl. And I thought you were a guy all this time! My bad.:D

I love it when I can talk to women about audio & video gears.

And I respect women who are audioholics.:D


Senior Audioholic
Hmmm....oh YES, YES, YES YES!!!! :D:D:D

Where have all you wonderful ladies been hiding? :D This article has been long overdue and I am glad that I participated in the writing of it.

This is my take on the whole speaker buying experience, when it comes to evaluating sound, there's no substitute for your own ears. The quality of a system's speakers will make or break its performance, and you can't gauge that from specs or descriptions alone. Take your own discs so that you can listen to material you're familiar with. And even if you intend to use the system only for movies and TV, include some music CDs. They will make it a lot easier for you to spot problems with tonal balance.

Several of the AH members had the opportunity to visit our home theater in person. The sound in our HT definitely packs a punch. It's great for ladies night to! I love it...love it...love it!!!:D I think Mazer is afraid to come back to our house :eek:

My hopes are that more women get involved in the A/V world.
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Well, you know "IsALadysMan" is my last name.:eek:

Nothing but sweet words come out of my mouth.:D

I heard the AVR-5308CI is pretty complex, so you should have plenty of fun playing with that thing. I'm kind of scared of it myself.:eek:
Ok Lady's Man, (wasn't that a SNL character?)- love, hate-- so close to the same thing, you love to hate me, or hate to love me...
I've always believed that fear is a great motivator. If that holds true, I will be UBER focused and motivated once the 5308 arrives. I'm SCARED-- hold me? ;)
oops, I don't want to get squashed by the mods for inappropriate behavior. It's just that cfrizz's last post was very reminiscent of a scene in When Harry Met Sally, and I got carried away for a moment!


Audioholic Slumlord
I don't want to get squashed by the mods for inappropriate behavior.
The real impropriety here is that all this time people have assumed that you were a man. :eek: Isn't that like impersonating a police officer? :confused: I remember you! You're a doctor, hence the user name, right?

Yeah, yeah ,yeah ... just 'cause someone's a doctor doesn't mean they're a man. I mean, I knew Loser Wife was a woman obviously but she's married to Major Loser and has let Mazer in her house. :D That makes her like Super Woman or something. I had no clue that there were regular women on these forums. That changes things. For starters I will no longer be taking posting tips from my monkey. :eek:

I'm glad to know you guys are here amongst us. I would be interested in seeing pictures of the A/V systems you have. Right away stereotypes get applied. I just take for granted that your systems will look better because decor is something women are better at. :)
Phil Taylor

Phil Taylor

Senior Audioholic
I have to agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments expressed in this thread commending the ladies here who appreciate home theater and audio gear. My ex-wife was never appreciative of my A/V endeavors -- but she was the first to complain (and loudly) when the DVR hard drive died or when her "personal" remote I set up for her needed batteries... etc.

She didn't want to see any wires or cabling but she sure did like watching movies at home on the 7ft. wide screen. Often when a movie came out that I wouldn't have minded seeing on a giant theater screen (we have a Harkins Cine Capri here in town - The Hulk was awesome on it - I took my 5y/o Son) she'd say she'd rather wait and "Netflix it". That's all just part of why she's the "ex"... :eek:

On a large majority of the installations I do the WAF is in effect well over half the time... more like 3/4 of the time. One lawyer wanted the "invisible speakers" from Stealth Acoustics at like $750/ea just to please his wife as she didn't want to see any speakers at all - anywhere - he ordered 28 of them in all!

On the other side of the (rare) coin - an install I did yesterday was for a lady Realtor who did all of the component buying - she had a Denon 4308 receiver, Krells and a Martin Logan sub. Her husband was in the garage working on his classic car and I only saw him once all day - he asked if I could order and install some speakers for him in the garage and hook it up to her receiver for tunes. :D

Anyways - sorry for the personal "A/V Rant" but again - I too think it's great that not all women are anti-A/V. Kudos to you gals!! :D :D


The real impropriety here is that all this time people have assumed that you were a man. :eek: Isn't that like impersonating a police officer? :confused: I remember you! You're a doctor, hence the user name, right?

Yeah, yeah ,yeah ... just 'cause someone's a doctor doesn't mean they're a man.

I'm sensing you feel a little violated!:D
I have not intentionally hid my "secret" identity, I actually had a nice long discussion with TLS Guy in June about being a female surgeon-- It's just never seemed relevant with the questions I'm asking, like "Why do my lights flicker with bass heavy music...and by the way, I have a uterus!"


Audioholic Slumlord
I'm sensing you feel a little violated!:D
No, not violated. Without going on and on let's just say that there are certain thing that I wouldn't be caught dead saying in front of my sister and now I've been made aware that I have been in mixed company all along. Embarrassed might be a better word. :eek: But only a little. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Jedi
female surgeon
We're not worthy.:D

Gosh, the more I learn about you, the more I want to bow down.:D

Okay, back to audio/video talk.

Now that I know you are a surgeon:D, why are you waiting for an Oppo BD player? I mean I'm sure the Oppo is going to be a great player for us "mortals", but somehow it just sort of sound "out of place" for the "goddess" system.:D

RBH T-30SLE System - Check.
Denon AVR-5308CI - Check.
Denon DVD-3910 - Check.
Oppo BD player - ?????

I'm thinking more in the line of the next Denon flagship BD/SACD/DVD-A/DVD/CD player or maybe the current DVD-3800BDCI or 2500BTCI?:D
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No, not violated. Without going on and on let's just say that there are certain thing that I wouldn't be caught dead saying in front of my sister and now I've been made aware that I have been in mixed company all along. Embarrassed might be a better word. :eek: But only a little. :rolleyes:
Ah, but that's the joy of the internet! Anonymity abounds, so no worries! Don't sensor yourself, please! That's part of the experience-- I'd be hard pressed to find something on this forum that has ever offended me. Made me laugh, yes. Offended, no. I developed pretty thick skin during my surgery residency. (it's not anything like Grey's Anatomy, FYI!) I really enjoy the interactions between forum members, it's much more enjoyable than just reading about dB, bits, etc. So rock on with the monkey!


We're not worthy.:D

Gosh, the more I learn about you, the more I want to bow down.:D

Okay, back to audio/video talk.

Now that I know you are a surgeon:D, why are you waiting for an Oppo BD player? I mean I'm sure the Oppo is going to be a great player for us "mortals", but somehow it just sort of sound "out of place" for the "goddess" system.:D

RBH T-30SLE System - Check.
Denon AVR-5308CI - Check.
Denon DVD-3910 - Check.
Oppo BD player - ?????

I'm thinking more in the line of the next Denon flagship BD/SACD/DVD-A/DVD/CD player or maybe the current DVD-3800BDCI or 2500BTCI?:D
Oh, stop it! (or don't....;) Bowing down certainly isn't necessary... for now!:D (It may be in order if I can actually get my 5308 working without having a stroke while doing it!)

My thinking on the OPPO was that since I already have a decent SACD/DVD-A/DVD/CD player, all I really need is a good bluray. I just purchased a panny BD55 to tide me over until I figure out what to do next. I'll seriously consider the new Denon, just for you! And, I'm NOT wealthy, by any means. I work way too much, but I do like to reward that hard work with some electronic "bling" once in a while!


Audioholic Slumlord
Oh, stop it! (or don't....;) Bowing down certainly isn't necessary... for now!:D (It may be in order if I can actually get my 5308 working without having a stroke while doing it!)
Hmmmm ..spidy sense going off..... I'm seeing an audio dominatrix being born here, with high heels black pvc form fitting suit holding a "monster" cable as a whip in your right hand;)


Audioholic Jedi
Oh, stop it! (or don't....;) Bowing down certainly isn't necessary... for now!:D (It may be in order if I can actually get my 5308 working without having a stroke while doing it!)

My thinking on the OPPO was that since I already have a decent SACD/DVD-A/DVD/CD player, all I really need is a good bluray. I just purchased a panny BD55 to tide me over until I figure out what to do next. I'll seriously consider the new Denon, just for you! And, I'm NOT wealthy, by any means. I work way too much, but I do like to reward that hard work with some electronic "bling" once in a while!
Personally I would pick the Panny BD55 over the Oppo. In a recent shoot-out (I can't remember the link), the Panny BD55 pretty much came out the winner in just about every single category. You are good to go then. I was just thinking that a MATCHING Denon BD player would look just peachy perfect with your 5308CI and DVD-3910. See, look:

View attachment 6501

If you could figure out how to use all those features offered by the 5308CI, that would be very impressive. That thing is like a giant computer. It's scary when I see things like "Windows Vista Compatible" on a Receiver!:)
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Audioholic Spartan
"Why do my lights flicker with bass heavy music...and by the way, I have a uterus!"

I just purchased a panny BD55 to tide me over until I figure out what to do next. I'll seriously consider the new Denon, just for you!
Personally I would pick the Panny BD55 over the Oppo. In a recent shoot-out (I can't remember the link), the Panny BD55 pretty much came out the winner in just about every single category. You are good to go then. I was just thinking that a MATCHING Denon BD player would look just peachy perfect with your 5308CI and DVD-3910. See, look:
ADTG, I don't know if you are referring to the shootout that I linked, but if it was, there wasn't any BD55. The BD50 along with S350, 2 Pioneers, PS3, BD1500. The BD-50 was the only player to pass every HQV test. It suffered slight hitch in color temp, IIRC, but is said to be extremely subtle.

I am using a Panasonic BD-30, and it works fantastically. I mean, really, fantastically. The BD50 is the better model, and I can only assume the BD-55 is even better.

cutter, keep the Panny. I can't see any reason to upgrade for its usage, because, I don't see any upgrade even possible for bluray-only viewing. Upscaling... you already have that insane receiver...


Hmmmm ..spidy sense going off..... I'm seeing an audio dominatrix being born here, with high heels black pvc form fitting suit holding a "monster" cable as a whip in your right hand;)
no no no, your ALL wrong!

I'm LEFT handed! :p


"Why do my lights flicker with bass heavy music...and by the way, I have a uterus!"
This should be your signature! A classic line that I don't think will ever get beat.

So rock on with the monkey!
Ah, do you really want to encourage him? We really don't want to know what he does with his monkey. :eek:

I mean, I knew Loser Wife was a woman obviously but she's married to Major Loser and has let Mazer in her house. :D That makes her like Super Woman or something.
And let's not forget she said "yes" to the last Florida GTG at my place. :D
She even let me move all of the furniture out of the house, too.


Audioholic Slumlord
And let's not forget she said "yes" to the last Florida GTG at my place. :D
She even let me move all of the furniture out of the house, too.
Good for you Major. That GTG was great even for those of us not in attendance. I liked reading about it enough that I want to thank ya both for hosting it. Things like that make this whole AH thing much less anonymous and that's cool.

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