OK so we finally finished the renovation.
The set up is pretty much as the 5.1.2 diagram but with two subs. The back speakers, which are just behind and wide of the seating position are KEF LS 50 Metas in white, which are great, but predictably overpower the ATMOS ceiling speakers . Now that the speakers are out of the cubbies and calibrated for the room the sound is better, but as I suspected we have two issues.
Firstly the room is hard and the sound has become very bassy. I can probably deal with that, but any advice would be good.
The second (which will not go down well with the audiophiles) is that aethetically everything would look better in white. I have buyers for all my equipment, so thats not an issue. There are plenty of decent quality white speakers out there, SVS, KEF etc. The problem is the amp.
The only company that I am aware currently do a white amp is JVC with their new MA series. Very pretty with a simple interface but I very much doubt they would compare favourably with my Denon, and I don't really want to compromise on the sound.
I dont mind going with silver, both Denon and Pioneer do them, but I guess there is other stuff out there. I doesnt need to do a lot, other than power the speakers.
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