Will my Denon AVRX4500H be able to handle this set up



Audioholic Intern
2 x Klipsch RF7 111 Walnut floor standing speakers
1x Klipsch RC -65 111 centre speaker
2 x Klipsch R 100SW sub-woofer
2 x Kef Cil60QR ceiling speakers for Atmos,
4x TBA Back and Surround ceiling

6 x ceiling as floorspace not practical for free standing and no walls for wall mounting

Two questions
1. Final four directional ceiling speakers?
2. Do I need a power amp

This is simply for Home Theatre run through Apple tv. No turntable, blue ray etc.
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
Unless you’re trying to hit reference level, the 4500 should be fine. You can also omit the “atmos” speakers since they will be useless for the application as all the surround speakers will be in the ceiling. That will lighten the load even though it’s light. Maybe use the money from the Atmos speakers to upgrade the subwoofer.


Audioholic Ninja
I concur. A proper ATMOS setup needs the bed layer (fronts and side / back surrounds) at ear level. Having everything in ceiling will not yield proper results for ATMOS so those two speakers can be skipped. If this is a new install, maybe run some wires to the ATMOS location in case things change down the road.

People often underestimate the difference that good subwoofers can make. The R-100SW may still be available but the latest iteration is the R-101SW. The spec sheet rates that sub only down to 30Hz. The RF 7-III is rated down to 32Hz so those little subwoofers add almost nothing! If you run the front speakers full range the subwoofers are literally a waste of money.

If this is for home theatre you want to target a sub that gets closer to 20Hz in the frequency response. As suggested above, add the cost of the ATMOS to your budget and look for better subs that will dig deeper than your tower speakers. Two are preferred to give you smoother bass response throughout the room, but those towers go pretty deep already and I would lean towards one really good sub over two weaker performers. If budget doesn't allow two better subs you can always add a second one in the future.

  • RBHsound.com
  • BlueJeansCable.com
  • SVS Sound Subwoofers
  • Experience the Martin Logan Montis