Why going to the Movies is Still Better Than Home Theater



i fail to see a single element like kids free zone can help member to persue the truth in audio visual. there is nothing here except waste of time .

Jim Robbins

i fail to see a single element like kids free zone can help member to persue the truth in audio visual. there is nothing here except waste of time .
We'll send a few small children over to your house and see how well you can pursue the truth of audio and video! It's pretty darn difficult with them running around and playing or yelling or crying or dancing, etc... Even when my kids are listening to music or watching a movie, they still want to talk or move around, etc... :p


Audioholic Field Marshall
So basically going to the movies to get away from you kids? If I feel the need to get away from my kid the last place I want to go is a theater full of kids!
LOL... I was thinking the exact same thing!! I would probably rate the "Public Theater -VS- HT" kid-annoyance-factor ratio at 10 to 1. To say that going out to the movies is a plus as it relates to disturbances is completely bassackwards IMO.

Dolby CP-200

I saw 300 in theaters twice. The first time, it was a semi decent theater, and had a pretty good experience. The second time, the theater was crap, and there were a bunch of kids in the movie who must have been about 14 or something. I am pretty sure they bought tickets to a different movie, because they didn't have any adults with them. Anyway, they would yell at the movie and make rude comments very loudly. I was pretty ticked already because the video and audio sucked, so about half way through I stood up in the middle of the movie and yelled over to them to "Please be quiet" in a rather rude tone of voice. Heck, there were only 30 to 50 people in the 200 person theater anyway, so I didn't even care if I embarresed my self... But it was worth it to get those dumb kids to shut up. My buddy appreciated it, as it was his first time to see the movie.

So, next time some people are acting up at a theater, let them know they can shut up or get out! *laugh* Really, why bother going to get some other high school kid working at the theater to complain about the noise when it might be his friends, anyway.

Yes, you CAN do something useful about it!

Well at least you can evaluate the differences between a naff cinema:( and dogs bollocks cinema that has THX:p! Did you use sound pressure level metre to judge the a reference point on the film something that may have a loud dialogue passage or sound effects?

I attended an interview at a UCI cinema back in the late of 1997 and was treated to a really fuzzy Dolby experience and really crap dts one as well.

I remember seeing at least four people walk out on “Face/Off” (1997) at the UCI Lee Valley back in 1997 on reel one! It sounded dreadfully toppy no screen bass authority to support most of the soundtrack LFE.1 sounded none existent. Split-surrounds where performing okay.

UCI Lee Valley 12 screen

If I remember I was seated to the left hand-side of the auditorium and about four or five rows in front of me where a few rather uncomfortable costumers I was close to walking out within the first few minutes. The weaponry of guns and machineguns and jet engine was TOO MUCH!

I would I where to take a wild guess I would say it was close to 100dbA!

After the interview I saw “Alien Resurrection” (1997) in dts in one of largest screens with only a few handful attendees and it sounded worse than “Face/Off” only wished I took my SPL db metre along with me.:D


Audioholic Field Marshall
I think you're all missing the boat...the freedom of not having to be a parent for a couple of hours is what makes the 10.
If I want THAT, I go to the golf course;)

Golf scores a double bonus, because the wife gets ditched too. HeHeHe


Full Audioholic
I guess I'm lucky. My 3yr old kid will sleep through anything.

But if it's to early for bed, I have 3 neighbors who are homebody's, and can / will babysit on short notice, for little to no $.

Or if the sitter is unavailable, I can put him in the newly finished backyard with food and water, and he'll play by himself.


Audioholic Ninja
i fail to see a single element like kids free zone can help member to persue the truth in audio visual. there is nothing here except waste of time .
You obviously don't have kids and Gene's thread is about the pros and cons of HT vs Cinema, it was not about the pursuit of truth in A/V, but rather the pursuit of peace and quiet and which environment is more conducive to the latter. It is not a waste of time to have a venue where you can enjoy the A/V experience without having people talking over movies, cell phones, gum and soda on floor and seating, etc.


Audioholic Jedi
Or if the sitter is unavailable, I can put him in the newly finished backyard with food and water, and he'll play by himself.
:) Just make sure there's a shady area, and you're all set.


Audioholic Field Marshall
We'll send a few small children over to your house and see how well you can pursue the truth of audio and video! It's pretty darn difficult with them running around and playing or yelling or crying or dancing, etc... Even when my kids are listening to music or watching a movie, they still want to talk or move around, etc... :p
Didnt you say your kids were 8 & 11?

LOL....If they're being a pain......send them to their rooms for Gods sake!!


Senior Audioholic
Movie Theater > Home Theater.

I prefer the theater. Where's the fun in getting a bunch of your friends over to watch a movie in your house?

Ive never had any of those Common Issues happen to me before. Sounds like you guys go to really bad theaters, or are just stupidly anal.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Movie Theater > Home Theater.

I prefer the theater. Where's the fun in getting a bunch of your friends over to watch a movie in your house?

Ive never had any of those Common Issues happen to me before. Sounds like you guys go to really bad theaters, or are just stupidly anal.
I guess it depends on whether or not you're a kid....or not.


Audioholic Jedi
Hmmmm I can own it for ~$15 or spend $20 a person for a movie that I get to watch once, 1oz of old possibly burnt popcorn, one junior mint and a sip of flat soda while sticking to the floor and having someone kick the back of my seat while texting someone instead of watching the movie we all just paid to see... Yeah, tough choice.

I do like to go to the theater to see big action flicks, but for the most part, it is PEOPLE that ruin the theater experience more than anything and that is what I can't abide.


Junior Audioholic
I'm going to vote for watching at home, I don't think I've been to the theater in 10 years. As far as I'm concerned the only advantages the theater has is screen size and being able to watch the film as soon as it comes out.

I'm surprised no ones mentioned the big benefit of watching at home, the ability to enjoy an "adult beverage" while watching, ha ha. Which leads to the advantage of the ability to pause the movie allowing you to "eliminate" your previously consumed adult beverage.


Audioholic Warlord
I can entertain 7 people comfortably in my theater, and we get the same laughs and whatnot that I get in a big theater.

The only time the big screen is better is for a really hyped up movie, where having a huge crowd makes it better.



Senior Audioholic
I think I'm spoiled in the Boise, Idaho area. Everyone goes to the 21 screen megaplexes and leaves the little jewels like the Reel Theatres (locally owned) less crowded. The theatre I normally go to has 6 screens and all 6 are dolby digital sound. 2 of them even meet THX requirements, although the owner chose not to renew the certification because it really had no ROI. The big hyped up movies will sell out at the megaplexes but rarely do they sell out at the Reel theatres (not good for them but fine for me). Even the discount $2.50 ticket Reel Theatre has digital sound in all screens, and reclining chairs.

We enjoy the theatre more than the HT (for now at least) and rarely run into huge problems of annoying teens, sticky floors, and burnt popcorn.


Audioholics Master Chief
I am fortunate my eldest daugher (7 years) can literally sleep through a hurricane, but my little 5 month old so far is a light sleeper. Perhaps in a couple of years, I will retract this article when I can blast away at night without waking the little one :D

Despite my primary theater is in a dedicated second floor of my house, its the bass that rattles throughout the house all the way to a few of my neighbors. Maybe I just need to turn off 2 or 3 of my subs at night :eek:


Audioholic Ninja
I am fortunate my eldest daugher (7 years) can literally sleep through a hurricane, but my little 5 month old so far is a light sleeper. Perhaps in a couple of years, I will retract this article when I can blast away at night without waking the little one :D

Despite my primary theater is in a dedicated second floor of my house, its the bass that rattles throughout the house all the way to a few of my neighbors. Maybe I just need to turn of 2 or 3 off my subs at night :eek:
Well now, that clarifies a few things....your poor kids and neighbors!:D

Dolby CP-200

Well now, that clarifies a few things....your poor kids and neighbors!:D
LOL yeah have some consideration for you’re neighbours. Make it louder and when they cry make it harder in the low end!:D


Senior Audioholic
I was wondering where this post was going, until I saw the kid factor. I have two kids myself, and I will definitely take my kids over the idiots at the local theater.

The other night I saw Resident Evil 3 in the local megaplex. And what use to be the height of inconsiderateness, the ringing cell phone, but now idiots are actually using their cell phones to play music, during the movie!

The fact that I had to ask the guy to turn of his phone/radio, (which as a music platfurm, just sounds awful to begin with) is what amazes me.

Every year, I go less and less. Big budget, productions I'll see on the big screen, and I drive to the most expensive theater in the area, just to filter out some of the lumpenproletariat from the experience. Sorry, if that sounds a little elitest, but I guess common sense and consideration are luxury items these days.

There now someone else can have their turn at the soapbox!


Audioholic Jedi
I think I'm spoiled in the Boise, Idaho area. Everyone goes to the 21 screen megaplexes and leaves the little jewels like the Reel Theatres (locally owned) less crowded. The theatre I normally go to has 6 screens and all 6 are dolby digital sound. 2 of them even meet THX requirements, although the owner chose not to renew the certification because it really had no ROI. The big hyped up movies will sell out at the megaplexes but rarely do they sell out at the Reel theatres (not good for them but fine for me). Even the discount $2.50 ticket Reel Theatre has digital sound in all screens, and reclining chairs.
At my near by 20-plexe here, all 20 are THX Cert. and sound surprisingly good.
In any major metropolitan area, you won't find too many screens that don't have digital sound these days... A number of the "Art House" theaters in the area are the only ones that lack great sound, but they make up for it with less people also.

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