Thanks for ALL the help guys. I'm done, installed, working, and finished.
This is all the new stuff I got... sort of retirement presents for myself.
Denon X4000 (ordered it before I saw post about 4311 Demo for sale, but like some of the new features)
Emotiva XPA5 (XPA3 was "unavailable", and I didn't want to wait)
New TV/Component stand (still had to fortify and aerate it for extra weight & heat)
2 more Aperion Grand Towers for surround left & right (likely overkill, but what the heck)
Now just sit back and enjoy.
What's that? Rythmik will give me a discount on a second sub? 4K TVs and sources will become available? Front Highs/Wides really make a difference? A $20k pair of Salon2s sound great? Doggone you guys!!! I HAVE to stop reading this forum!!!!