gene said:
I don't argue your math, just your premise.
Follow me on these points please:
1. You will NEVER have the same current draw on the tweet as you will the woof. More likely it will be a 1:10 (tweet:woof) ratio. Thus your assumptions about equal current to both wires is leading to a wrong conclusion for a real world scenario
You still do not understand conceptually what I am talking about.
Higher woofer currents are not better. The effect approaches maximum when the woofer current equals the tweeter current. The fact that in reality the lows are much stronger does not support your statement.. When you understand the analysis, you will see that.
I could have used DC as the lows excitation if I wished.
gene said:
2. Our brains are NOT good at deciphering instantaneous changes like this, please review our articles on Human Hearing for more elaboration
Where in your article do you discuss localization parameters?
gene said:
3. The power loss from the wire 1 watt vs 100 watt into speaker represents a 20dB SPL difference - again not audible instantaneously
Gene, you should re-state that. As written, it has no meaning. (I proof my posts multiple times to find my silly errors..)
gene said:
4. Your assuming correlated losses between each cable which again isn't real world since a speaker is NOT a resistor
I have no idea where you got that from. In point of fact, the analysis I provided assumes orthogonal signals, one to each driver. So, they are in fact, already uncorrelated..again, you should be asking questions rather than making incorrect statements.
gene said:
5. The change in voice coil resistance is so profoundly GREATER than the cable loss you discuss that the cable becomes moot again - measure a driver DCR at rest vs the DCR after loaded on an impedance analyzer to demonstrate this to yourself
Again, you must understand the analysis and the effects. The 4% per degree C change in copper resistivity which corresponds to power compression is a small effect with respect to the wire losses...remember, if the vc ups 10%, the diss in the wire becomes 10% less.
You MUST understand the analysis and effect before you can make relevant statements..please ask, either here or via e-mail.
gene said:
You did basic math on an oversimplified model which lead to overcomplicated results.
Actually, that is quite wrong. I have presented only the aspects which I believe people here will be able to understand. So far, that assumption has not born fruit.
gene said:
Now I suggest you do some real measurements in a lab with real equipment and stop simulating resistive losses in cables attached to resistive loads running identical current magnitudes
Silly make the assumption that I have not???? And that I have not used some "real equipment" at my disposal..amusing..
gene said:
Use a current probe to measure current for HP and LP sections comparing monowire and biwire under the power levels of your simulations. Be warned however most tweeters will instantly fry if you feed them more than 20-50 watts of power.
Why in gods name would I use such a piece of garbage to measure high slew rate currents?? I strive for accuracy, and you talk about current probes???puuullllleeeeeese..

seriously, I strive for Ghz level components for these types of measurements..that way I have no B dot errors in the CVR's. My typical load resistor has 60 picohenries of inductance, and no measureable current slew rate error. If I wished to be so sloppy, I'd trust a current probe.
gene said:
Measure the DCR of voice coil of the drivers before and after loading and factor that into you losses.
As I stated, that is of no concern to the analysis.
Your still counting beans there Gene. It's not about the overall efficiency of the system, but rather, how that power is lost (or gained) with respect to a monowire, and how that loss impacts localization.
Gene, you really need to sit back and understand what I've been saying. It's clear you do not, and if you do not try, this discussion will not work very well. I'm off for now, relax, cool down, and re-visit what I've shown here when you're in a better mindset.
BTW, here's a graph showing the dissipative modulation when the lows are presented as DC. A DC signal is still orthogonal to a sine, therefore, non correlated..
Cheers, John