Thank goodness Kurt injected himself into the discussion. He's the one who pointed out the flaw in Jim's analysis...
I admit the ideal filters got me confused but there is no flaw in Jim's analysis. Sorry if I should have implied that, I was wrong.
If you insist I can do the maths another way. I'll take care not to assume anything about the output. I'm sure you'll agree that:
Pspeakers = Pamp - Pwire - Pfilters.
We are talking instantaneous power here so yes, the filters do contribute. Pfilter can be positive (filters storing energy) or negative (filters releasing energy) and must average out to 0. So, all we have to do is calculate these powers separately. I will consider the mono wire case here. The schematic looks like this:
Amplifier -> Wire resistance -> parallel a couple of filters and speakers
I'm sure we know it all by heart now so I do not need to draw it.
Let us start with Pamp:
Pamp = Iamp * Vamp = (Ia + Ib)*(Va + Vb)
We can find the relation between Va and Ia by noting that the filter of the tweeter will have 0 impedance for the "a" (HF) signal and the impedance of the woofer filter will be infinite. So:
Va = Ia * (Rwire + Rtweeter) and similarly:
Vb = Ib * (Rwire +Rwoofer)
Let us call Rwire + Rtweeter = Kt and Rwire + Rwoofer = Kw
Pamp = (Ia + Ib)(Ia * Kt + Ib * Kw)
Pamp = sqr(Ia)Kt + sqr(Ib)Kw + IaIb(Kw + Kt)
Note that the power delivered by the amp ALSO has an AB component, namely:
IaIb(Kw + Kt) = IaIb(2Rwire + Rtweeter + Rwoofer)
We already know that the part (sqr(Ia) + sqr(Ib) + IaIb*2)*Rwire corresponds to the wire losses. In fact we can now write:
Pamp - Pwire = sqr(Ia)Rtweeter + sqr(Ib)Rwoofer + IaIb(Rtweeter + Rwoofer)
and this obviously must be equal to Pfilters + Pspeakers
Let us now calculate Pfilters. We consider the filter for the tweeter:
Pfilter1 = Vfilter1 * Ifilter1
We know filter 1 has infinite impedance for current Ib, so it cannot pass it. We also know it has zero impedance for current Ia so it cannot drop any voltage due to that. Also consider that the voltage at the end of the wire is:
Vend-wire = Vb - Ib*Rwire + Va - Ia*Rwire
This voltage drops over the filter and the speaker. Since the filter cannot have a voltage component due to Ia over it it's voltage must be:
Vfilter1 = Vb - Ib*Rwire
Vtweeter = Va - Ia*Rwire
Ifilter1 = Itweeter = Ia (remember the impedance of the filter is infinite for signal b)
So we can calculate the power in the tweeter filter as:
Pfilter1 = (Vb - Ib*Rwire) * Ia = (Ib * (Rwire +Rwoofer) - Ib*Rwire)*Ia
Pfilter1 = Ib*Ia*Rwoofer
In the same way the power in the other filter can be calculated as:
Pfilter2 = Ib*Ia*Rtweeter
So the total power in the filters is: Ib*Ia*(Rwoofer + Rtweeter)
As a sanity check we note that this power term indeed averages out to 0 over time so the filters do not dissipate energy, which is what we expect.
Since we already established that Pamp - Pwire = sqr(Ia)Rtweeter + sqr(Ib)Rwoofer + IaIb(Rtweeter + Rwoofer)
We can now write that:
Pamp - Pwire - Pfilter = sqr(Ia)Rtweeter + sqr(Ib)Rwoofer
As you can terms in this expression that include a product of Ia and Ib!
Now I have given you an equation for the power in all parts of the system and shown that the AB term occurs in:
The power output by the amp
The wire losses
The power exchanged by the filters
And these 3 add up to 0 so in the speakers we see only the terms we expect to see in the undistorted case.
The powers all add up. The voltages all add up. And the current are all such that they obey Kirchoff.
The ball is in your court now John to prove this analysis is incorrect. If you think any assumption of mine was incorrect then please show so by an equation.