Which would you buy



<font color='#000000'>If you had $1,200 to spend on a new or used amplifier which one would you buy? I thought this question might be helpful not only to myself but to others in the same boat also. I know the more I look at amplifiers the more my head spins. My plan is too use the preouts on my RX-V1 for two channel music. I'm not sure if I can match the quality of sound of the Yamaha with that amount of money but I would like a little more oomph if I can. The HT part of it I'm completely satisfied with. I'm 56 years old and am just getting into a decent sounding system. I'm hooked. If I have to spend more I will but would like to keep it within my means. I'm not rich. Suggestions?</font>


<font color='#0000FF'>go to ebay, Search for Yamaha MX and you will find an MX 1000 that will go around $500 and you will be very happy with this powerhouse. I have it and they are great and will work exactly as you plan. Just hope your speakers can handle the juice this monster will produce.
Here is the link. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws....83&rd=1 &nbsp;or just type in the search field 3049375423. Auction ends tomarrow evening. And NO, it is not mine but I have this same amp and use it the same way you will and at 51 it sounds better then ever.</font>


<font color='#000000'>I'm currently have Athena AS-F2's with Athena CC speaker. They handle my Yamaha with no problem and since I don't crank the bass maybe they'll handle that MX1000 ok. I'm so hooked on this stuff now I may upgrade to better speakers at a later date to see what I'm missing. Of course I'll never find out what I'm missing as far as the very high end stuff goes but I'll do the best I can with what I'm able to do. I refuse to go to a high end stereo shop here in Seattle. I don't want to come home afterward and be dissapointed.
&nbsp;Thanks for your response!</font>
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<font color='#0000FF'>Being hooked is not a bad thing and all I have to offer in this regard is that the high end stuff is not all it is cracked up to be. Sure you can spend many thousands and have the greatest stereo around but at 50 or 56 I have to question if yours or my ears will hear the difference. I am libel to get slammed here but for my money the Yamaha MX 1000 will give you all you need and do it clean and accurate. Keep an eye on ebay and every now and then a nice pair of NS 1000 monitors come to auction. These are one of Yamaha's finest speakers and they rival many at thousands $$$$ more.
Hook the NS 1000's to the MX 1000 and run it all thru your receiver and you will have a very fine set up indeed. You might consider a sub woofer in the future because the yamaha is a bit flat in the bass but very accurate and clean in all other aspects. Keep in mind that Yamaha is a leader when it comes to professional musicians equipment. Home audio is a very minor segment in their line up but they always stay ahead of the pack and research a development filters down to some very fine audio gear that is tried and true. My NS 1000M speakers are over twenty years old and sound like new. To match the sound quality in todays market, if you can, you will need to make a considerable investment. The MX 1000 amp is capeable of making well over 300 watts per channel and you will likely never need all it can give. It is a bit scarry when the vue meeters tell you you are pushing out 250 watts in certain sections of the source music and your speakers are rated for 100Watts. On many occasions I expected to see my woofers puked out onto the floor but they have never missed a beat. Don't try that with alot of that high end stuff because you will be cleaning up a mess.
Good luck and let me know if you do bid or win the amp.
You might also reach out for member &quot;Yamahaluver&quot;, he is a wealth of info and can usually quote the exact specs on many of the higher end yamaha offerings.</font>


<font color='#000000'>Hi Stanley
You may also want to check out amps from Odyssey Audio, these amps have very good user feedback on the web. You can find them used at audiogon.com sometimes. You can also by them factory direct from Odyssey Audio. Their web site shows 30 day money back return and 20 year transferrable warranty.

I have never listened to an Odyssey product myself...but if I was in the market for a two channel amp at your price range I would give this brand a look and talk to some users of this product.



<font color='#000000'>Thanks again Hondaman. I suppose when you get to a certain price point the cost to performance ratio starts declining. Spend 50% more to get 10% better performance. That's not an exact science but you get my point. If I had the resources I'd certainly go for the big money components. Why not if you have it? I'm eperienced with computer hardware but am just getting my feet wet in the audio world. I was think of buying used because like computers it looks to me like stereo components lose their value pretty quickly. Not as badly as computers but still a quick drop. If I play it right I can sell what I have before the value really plummets and add that to my next upgrade. I picked up the RX-V1 for a grand and it was new. Considering what they were going for that's a steep drop. I know I don't get the 5 year warranty but at that price I'll take my chances. It's really nice to have a site like this for audio dummies like me to come to. The reviews on this site are geared to the new components but when it comes time to get another new or used component I'll remember what I've read in the reviews here. Oh, I do have a sub. It's a Klipsch KSW 200. I'm not thrilled with it. Ok for movies but for music the bass is too boomy for my taste. That's something I'll replace in the future. Where you at Yamahaluver? Come out or I'll have to drag your butt out. It won't be pretty.
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<font color='#000000'>flintstone. Now there's a brand name I had never heard of till you just told me about it. I'll do some research on it. Thanks buddy. &nbsp;
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Audioholic General
<font color='#0000FF'>Hi Stanley,

Hondaman recently bought the Yamaha gear and therefore his experience is very valuable, he has described it very nicely leaving me with nothing to add except to take his advice on checking out the NS-1000x berrillium beauties. For sub check out the Yamaha YST-SW800/1500.

All I can add is that there are few amps that can equal the Yamaha but at a much higher price.</font>


<font color='#000000'>Stanely...
I notice you are using a Yamaha RX V1...have you experienced any glitches with? &nbsp;I hear rumblings from time to time about &quot;channel drop-out&quot;. &nbsp;How is the tuner section? &nbsp;I have heard it has one of the best tuners available in a receiver.


Mac Guy</font>


<font color='#000000'>Stanley,

Sorry I misspelled your name.

Mac Guy</font>


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>
Guest : <font color='#000000'>Stanley,

Sorry I misspelled your name.

Mac Guy</font>
<font color='#000000'>That's ok, I've been called worse. No, I haven't had a problem with any channel drop out. I've read about it but no problems yet. I've only listened to about 10 minutes of Lite Jazz with the tuner. The station here is fairly week but it pulls it in pretty good. It does sound better than the Sony DA50ES I had but that's all I can compare it too. I really don't listen to much FM at all. I do listen to the music channels on Cable. The signal coming from my cable box is horrid compared to a CD player. Maybe horrid is too srtong a word but it sure isn't in the same ball park. I have to turn the volum level up about another 20% to get the same level of sound. They call it CD quality music. It doesn't sound bad but it doesn't sound as good as a cd. Doesn't have the highs, lows and presence that a cd does.</font>


Audioholic General
<font color='#0000FF'>The RXV-1 problem is due to a pre-out jumper and Yamaha techs will send you one in case you are having that problem.

I get DAB and dont really consider it to be CD quality, give me FM anyday as at least that music was from the source uncompressed and pure.</font>


<font color='#0000FF'>Hi Stanley, If you are in a poor reception are like me, the tuner is just about worthless. I live in the NY Catskill mountains and reception is TRASH.
If you are a jazz lover then may I recomend you buy a nice XM Radio that will hook right into your receiver and bring you fantastic music via satellite. It still goes thru the tuner section but it comes from above and is crystal clear. You will love it and it is not real expensive.
So, did you bid on the MX 1000 or are you still in the research mode?
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<font color='#000000'>Hi Hondaman. I'm picking up a MX-830 from a friend this weekend that's letting me have it for a low price. Said he hasn't used it in quite some time but is supposed to work fine. Thought I'd give that a try. At the price I'm getting it at I couldn't pass it up. I just may do that on the XM radio. Some of the radio stations come in fine but the kind of music they play sends shivers down my spine. Like chalk on a chalk board. Some types of music I just can't handle. Must be my old age. &nbsp;
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<font color='#000000'>You may want to consider a used 2 channel amp, like a monster Yamaha M80, or an Onkyo M504. These can be had for a song, and they are something else!!</font>


<font color='#0000FF'>Stan, If you do consider the XM, depending on your needs and area, you might consider a model that has the removable head and goes from vehicle to house. You have to pay the $10/month for the satellite link so you might as well have it everywhere.
When at home in the cradle it is playing thru your quality audio system and in the car you have a couple of chioces.
Whats great about it is you can dial up a station that is exactly what you like and keep it throughout the entire lower 48. This is the radio of the future because like you point out,
the stations that come in best over the FM are trash to my ears and filled with adds and ignoramus talk!
You will have 100 channels to choose from but only ten or twelve appeal to me and I suspect you will find it similar.
You will have channels dedicated to 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, Blues, Oldies, News, Talk, Comedy etc.
I am beginning to sound like an XM salesman, OK XM, a few free months could be appreciated! &nbsp;
Your purchase of the MX 830 will serve you well. Although not the powerhouse &quot;Flagship&quot; it is every bit a yamaha amp and fully capeable of producing the necessary clean power you lust for.
For those of us who fit the &quot;Tim Allen&quot; prototype of more power, only the MX-1 or MX-1000 will do. &nbsp;
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<font color='#000000'>I looked at XM hardware on the internet last night. I think I'll probably get one. I've got a Kenwood Exelon head unit in my van. It's not XM ready but since I'll use it in my home also I'd need a tuner anyway. I'm not sure what brand I'll get so I'll read as many reviews as I can before deciding. I'm looking foward to getting one. I'll see if I can limp along with only 170 watts with the MX 830. &nbsp;
&nbsp;That will probably do me just fine. I appreciate all the help here guys. If I go completely broke I can blame it on you folks. &nbsp;
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<font color='#000000'>Well guys, I've been listening to the MX-830 for a few hours now. I think I can listen to it for a few more. Very nice indeed. I also listened to a Hafler DH-200 and a Carver TFM-35 and got to compare the three. This has been a fun experience getting to do it. I wouldn't mind being in the Moderators shoes when they get to test new components. You guys are lucky! Anyway, I'm keeping the Yamaha amp. For my ears it really has the accuracy I've been wanting with the added power I wanted. Thanks a bunch for suggesting this line of amplifiers. Have you ever seen smiling ears? Honest, I could feel my ears smiling. &nbsp;
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Audioholic General
<font color='#0000FF'>I am happy for you Stanley, enjoy your MX-830, it is a solidly built product which with good care will last for years.

For future as Hondaman suggested, audition a Yamaha NS-1000M speaker and set your sights on Yamaha MX-1000/MX-1 or a MX-2000 amp.

Good luck.
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<font color='#000000'>I've been eyeing those speakers. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws....93&rd=1

I may have to wait a little longer to keep my budget in check. A little at a time and I'll eventually get there. &nbsp;
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