Which speaker company do you think has the biggest "fan boys"

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Audioholic Slumlord
There is someone here that doesn't believe PSB is probably the best bang for the buck...How can that be??? Obviously, there are better, and PSB cannot have the same effect on all their speaker series. But, it is fun to see people jump at comments like the one I made.

I can see a storm forming in the horizon...LOL

I have to agree that the longer a speaker line lives, eventually its going to be trumped by a newer design from another manufacturer. After all this is speakers wars :eek: Plus hearing is subjective and what one person may like, the other finds OK or not pleasing at all.

But I'm still hard pressed to find a speaker in PSB's image series price range that does as well they do. I still think at this particular point in time that it is the best bang for the buck speaker. Subjectively speaking that is. :D


Senior Audioholic

I have to agree that the longer a speaker line lives, eventually its going to be trumped by a newer design from another manufacturer. After all this is speakers wars :eek: Plus hearing is subjective and what one person may like, the other finds OK or not pleasing at all.

But I'm still hard pressed to find a speaker in PSB's image series price range that does as well they do. I still think at this particular point in time that it is the best bang for the buck speaker. Subjectively speaking that is. :D
I have not heard the Image T65 tower yet. It retails @ $1200pair, which seems like a strong value going by the finish I saw out of the B15, the reviews, and it's specs but I won't know until I try it myself.

I really enjoy reading consumer's responses to trying out different gear and comparing them. It helps me tremendously. Jaxvon's review of the Phase Tech PC line is the sole reason I called Phase Tech to find out more about their company which led to me becoming a dealer. The people on this forum, whether we always agree or not, help me out a great deal.

So, in regard to the PSB Image line, if you (or anyone else) ever have time to try the following lines out and compare, please do and let me know. They're priced very similar to the PSB Image Series. I ABSOLUTELY encourage people to judge esthetics, fit & finish, & everything else about the products.

Phase Technology Velocity

Canton GLE



Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
All of the ID brands have rabid fanboys. I suspect that many of these are paid advertisers, rather than real consumers.


Audioholic Slumlord
I have not heard the Image T65 tower yet. It retails @ $1200pair, which seems like a strong value going by the finish I saw out of the B15, the reviews, and it's specs but I won't know until I try it myself.

I really enjoy reading consumer's responses to trying out different gear and comparing them. It helps me tremendously. Jaxvon's review of the Phase Tech PC line is the sole reason I called Phase Tech to find out more about their company which led to me becoming a dealer. The people on this forum, whether we always agree or not, help me out a great deal.

So, in regard to the PSB Image line, if you (or anyone else) ever have time to try the following lines out and compare, please do and let me know. They're priced very similar to the PSB Image Series. I ABSOLUTELY encourage people to judge esthetics, fit & finish, & everything else about the products.

Phase Technology Velocity

Canton GLE



There is a Def Tech dealer where I live but unfortunately, its a different dealer than PSB. I don't know if there is a Canton or RBH dealer in my home town. To esthetics is at the bottom of my list. PSB Image series are not a particular good looking speaker series. I bought them soley on their audio ability.


Audioholic General
All of the ID brands have rabid fanboys. I suspect that many of these are paid advertisers, rather than real consumers.
Ever read the description of the Subwoofers section on the Forums homepage?


You are absolutely correct. Retail speakers must have a certain profit margin, and be cheap enough at a final retail cost to be attractive(in both price and looks) to a specific customer base. I can, if required, make them attractive, but I don't know how to bring down cabinet construction costs without substantially reducing performance. This would mean that a retail speaker that I designed would only be of high cost to the final buyer - a seemingly tough situation for an 'upstart' speaker line of which was previously unknown. It is unfortunate that performance alone is not sufficient to insure a successful product, as I can optimize every known relevant performance parameter in relation to the credible perceptual research.


I know you are one of the few who does not allow personal pride to taint discussions of your work.

To everybody else: Unfortunately quality, performance and aesthetics can't aways come together when engineering and designing any product. There are untold amounts of items submitted to the Patent Office that are just not marketable.

It's the oldest truth that engineering departments and marketing departments can't communicate with each other. And let's not even bring up what happens when corporate management gets involved :eek:

Compromises will always be made.


Full Audioholic
It's the oldest truth that engineering departments and marketing departments can't communicate with each other. And let's not even bring up what happens when corporate management gets involved :eek:

Compromises will always be made.
Words to live by...Fully agree. I've always said that is easier to make an engineer out of a salesperson, than a salesperson out of an engineer...BTW, I am a mechanical engineer.


Audioholic Overlord
I had a chance to get a pair of PSB Image t65s for $150, did I screw up? One of them had a dented tweeter.:confused:


Full Audioholic
InTheIndustry-I demoed the RBH MC6's towers and the RBH TK5 towers. To me, the TK series was a lot better. Not enought to convince me to buy them (see signature) but I thought the TK series was much better to my ear. In the looks dept...not so much unfortunately. Just my 2 cents.


The real question is ..... "the most respected name in sound"

Are you asking which market the best?

Think about how BMW does with cars ...you always know it's a BMW.

There is a difference betweeen the best marketed and the best speakers?

To get the biggest "fan boys" you market, market, market.

You use the same names over and over again for 20,30,40 years.

People have heard the name over and over some they assume it is a great brand.

You hide the real specs and set-up specially tuned displays or have store that only have the one brand.

You take a variation of a common microwave term and patent it and state it is a break-through in acoustic technology and research. Then you patent other commonly used terms.

Then you market, market, market.

Instead of spending wasted dollars on research you market even more.

Then you have the best media product money can buy.

And a direct quote "with name blanked out" because it is so, so obvious:

Extensive research in the fields of speaker design and psychoacoustics—the human perception of sound—led to the groundbreaking xxx® Direct/Reflecting® speaker system in 1968. Its unprecedented approach to sound reproduction came much closer to the essence and emotional impact of live music, and won immediate acclaim.

The list of major xxx innovations continues to grow. Fourteen years of research led to the development of acoustic waveguide speaker technology, found in our award-winning xxx® radio, xxx® music system and Acoustic xxx® music systems. xxx® speaker technology reshaped conventional thinking about the relationship between speaker size and sound, enabling palm-sized speakers to produce audio quality previously thought impossible from speakers so small.

xxx® audio demonstrator technology removed the guesswork from sound system design for arenas and other large venues. It allows builders, architects and facility managers to hear precisely what a xxx® system will sound like in their building, before any equipment is installed, even if the building only exists as a blueprint.

xxx® systems provided a welcome alternative to conventional component-based systems by offering fully integrated home entertainment solutions. xxx® systems deliver award-winning performance and elegance from elements specifically engineered to work together.

The systems approach has paved the way for numerous Bose solutions, audio and beyond. Integrated systems account for the acclaimed performance of xxx automotive sound systems and xxx® headsets. The revolutionary xxx suspension system and ElectroForce® linear motion system rely on proprietary xxx software and hardware working together in harmony. All feature technologies available only from xxxx.

Today, you can find xxx wherever quality sound is important. From the Olympic games to the Sistine Chapel. From NASA space shuttles to the Japan National Theatre. In the home and on the road, from large outdoor arenas to intimate neighborhood stores, restaurants and clubs, you can hear the realism of the most respected name in sound—xxxx.

Good Luck :D
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Audioholic General
All of the ID brands have rabid fanboys. I suspect that many of these are paid advertisers, rather than real consumers.
You greatly underestimate the power of brand identity/loyalty and its link to basic human nature. We have an incredibly strong need to belong.

Once we belong, we reject all others that don't [us/them].

It would not surprise me if there were a paid fan or two out there, but the vast majority do it for free.



Full Audioholic
I had a chance to get a pair of PSB Image t65s for $150, did I screw up? One of them had a dented tweeter.:confused:
From a thread I saw once regarding a replacement tweeter, I believe the price is around $150.00 for an original replacement. So, $300.00 for a pair of T65's would have been an excellent deal.


Senior Audioholic
InTheIndustry-I demoed the RBH MC6's towers and the RBH TK5 towers. To me, the TK series was a lot better. Not enought to convince me to buy them (see signature) but I thought the TK series was much better to my ear. In the looks dept...not so much unfortunately. Just my 2 cents.
I'm 100% on board with you. They are both OK pieces but, as I said in another thread, time passes things by. I think that in the looks department they are both lacking sophistication.

I have never heard a Dali speaker. People seem to be all over them (in a positive way) and that makes me curious.


Senior Audioholic
I had a chance to get a pair of PSB Image t65s for $150, did I screw up? One of them had a dented tweeter.:confused:
Yes, you did miss a great deal since the tweeter could be replaced and the pair retails @ $1200

However, you said you were financially strapped at the time. Speakers are luxury goods, man. Don't skip out on eating or get your water shut off just because a good deal comes along. Good deals are everywhere. Be patient and save until you're ready to really invest!


Audioholic Overlord
I didn't buy them for a few reasons, money, transporting them would be difficult, and I don't want to power them with the Teac or Insignia. I would want to get a decent receiver at least to power them, the Insignia/Sherwood doesn't have a lot of headroom to work with.


Audioholic General
From a thread I saw once regarding a replacement tweeter, I believe the price is around $150.00 for an original replacement. So, $300.00 for a pair of T65's would have been an excellent deal.
Agreed, if there weren't any other serious problems with them that'd be a hell of a deal.


Just a few words....

Hello All

New to this forum, and please pardon me for interrupting this thread with my two cents. For fun, this morning, I googled my name and I was surprised to see how much info came up.....one of them, being a tiny discussion about DIY speakers and my company from Audioholics.

Because I own the company, I will do my absolute best to keep my opinions about my double mouth speakers out of this, since I am obviously biased. To make things rather clear up front, we are not trying to reinvent the DIY world, or the audio industry for that matter. Matter of fact, CarderSound didn't start out as a business at all. I built a pair for myself after falling on some difficult financial times, after having to sell a very favored pair of single driver speakers which I swore I'd never part with, a good friend of mine turned me onto the design. After hearing the sonic capabilities, I was hooked. Truly.

Planars(Maggies), brought me into the audiophile arena years ago......went looking for some added bass in Usher and a pair of Hyperion 938's.......and then happened to stumble upon a pair of full range single driver speakers, and for lack of a better excuse.........I just never looked back. So, in some way this post can be relevant to this forum in the sense that I am a fan boy of the single driver sound.(not sure yet if this is a positive or negative term..lol.)

So you all know, I love this hobby more than I'll ever admit, and CarderSound, is exactly what it says it is. I truly believe that this type of quality sound should be able to be in any home that cares enough to want it. It's one of the reasons we offer to help people build their own pair and offer it in "naked" form, to help keep the costs down. Is it the greatest business plan? Will it survive offering free build services to those that need it? Can it survive only charging what is does? Truthfully, I don't know. One strong opinion I will share is, that if Cain & Cain(God rest Terry), now LoveCraft, can have a five month waiting list while charging more than $12,000 a pair, then CarderSound has a fighting chance. And, if the truth be told, we are not directly competing with them anyway. The market niche we are trying to serve, wouldn't have been able to afford their speakers, anyway.

To wrap things up, I am not some speaker guru. I don't understand all the technical math formulas and statistics, and even principals for that matter. I am building and promoting, under license, someone else's design that has a lot more technical savvy than me. I'm just good at building a square box....lol. My ears tell the truth to me, and I thought I could benefit the other side of the less financially fortunate audio enthusiast and give them a leg up. It's nothing more, and nothing less.

Again, thank you for allowing me the interruption, and I wish you all the best.

Jeff Carder


Audioholic Slumlord
I had a chance to get a pair of PSB Image t65s for $150, did I screw up? One of them had a dented tweeter.:confused:
Hard to say. The dented tweeter could have been a sign of even more unseen damage. You would have needed to listen to them before buying them. :)


How good are the rockets really ?

Sorry I am late.

My nominations:
1) SVS
2) AV123 aka Rockets

Marketing is one thing, but when you get people literally shoving these companies' products down your throat in every single thread, you get sick of their marketing REALLY fast.

Hey furrycute and others, do you think the AV rockets 1000s are just hype or are they really pretty good speakers?
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