Why would you want to download? Are some parts of the country still internet deprived? In all my travels I have never had need of downloading.
I do download the BBC programs for classical music to iPlayer as the download has twice the bit rate at 640 kbps versus 320 for the audio. However to do this, you need a VPN service, I use the Amazon London server to get a UK address now. The AV quality of all these streams is very high. The engineering quality of them all is high. With the latest up mixers, you really are transmitted to the venue, on a good system. One other source I should mention is the huge inventory from the Netherlands Bach Society on YouTube. That is a really high quality AV stream. Tom Scott's recordings are of the highest order, and among the most realistic organ recordings I know of. Those two have immense talent between them. In closing I have to say I am now really keen on having a picture combined with top class audio. AV systems rule now. If there are no architectural constraints, then the case for audio only systems is over in my view.
We still get these posts from people thinking that they need separate two channel systems for audio only. Worse we frequently get people asking us to help the set up crazy combinations of two and multi channels systems in combination. Those people really do need vigorously setting straight about these Frankenstein cobles.