I miss being in a large metropolitan area where a simple wire stuck into the antenna terminal brings in a lot of stations. And, with our outside antenna, I had a station on almost every odd FM frequency.
Now, out here in the boonies. one really appreciates what one had. Now, I really have to fight for FM. Eventually, I'll get an FM antenna but for now, I'm stuck with indoor antennas.
so, I tried the wire with a slip-om "F" connector that came with the yammie. It worked "OK" but I got many more stations on the car radio. I wanted more.
So, I tried one of these powered antennas, which shall remain unnamed since it sux. It's a famous brand and you'll recognize it from the picture
It wasn't even as good as that single wire that came with the 201. I got 6 stations with the wire and 5 with this. to say I was disappointed would be a gross understatement.
I wanted to try the old fashioned "T" antenna but I've only seen them with 300 ohm flat lead. So I searched and found this. Considering it's just a hunk of wire with a "F" connector it was a little more than I wanted but hey, I was desparate.
This worked great! Auto preset found 18 clean stations, about 16 noiseless, I'm about 90 - 100 miles from anywhere and considering that, I'm extermemy satisfied.