I've been eyeballing that Neurochrome for a while now!
... (snip) ...
Are you going to do any type of measurements when you are done? FR, Av, Power, THD? I currently have a distortion analyzer that I borrowed from a friend.....but I don't have a low distortion oscillator to complete those types of measurements on my gear.
Sorry, I neglected to address this question in my reply, slipperybidness.
I will be doing some measurements, both during the build phase to insure I'm not blowing up my hard-earned-money-turned-electronic-parts, and to confirm performance as best I can.
I have a Tektronics 100 Mhz 'scope (and a full set of Genuine Tek cables), a good Fluke 87-5 Digital Voltage Meter (DVM), a good LCR meter, and a marginal Leader Function Generator., a Calibrated Microphone, and a good Phantom Power Supply + 24/192 USB DAC to go with it.
I also have a useful set of software to help out with acoustic measurement; a half dozen WindowsOS apps and FuzzMeasure for MacOS, and my laptop is above average power and feature wise.
For alternate power amps for comparisons, I have a couple of Tripath TA2020 based stereo amps that I have modded a bit (I was able to get the manufacturer to send me boards that were partly un-populated so I could build them out as I desired) and which to my ears sound quite good, plus the Anthem Amp1 (40wpc, EL34 vacuum state).
I also have another amp that I participated in designing (reality check: not nearly as much as some others who were part of an online collaboration, I'm not a trained Electrical Engineer, but we did have a couple of people who either design, manufacture and sell commercial amps or whom have been contracted to design commercial gear; they were extremely helpful with design, plus the manufacturer was able to get us high quality boards at a very reasonable price using his account with the PCB fab; in the end we made 4 runs of 100 boards at $40/ch, the boards are complete, including Power Supply, all the amp needs is a power tranformer to complete).
It has a unique topology (all FET) but it's not in an operational state right now due to some construction changes I'm making. Thankfully I'm aware of it's sound characteristics but would have loved to have it live to compare to; it's a very interesting solid state design that has almost no commercial counterparts. Maybe there will be an opportunity to do an update once I get it back in operation.
I would like a better FG and a nice Bench Power Supply, but you know how it goes ... maybe if I were able to "waste" less money on speaker cables I could afford one.