Anonymous said:
That's very clever, but it doesn't qualify as 'direct' in my mind. The term 'direct' as used by every other receiver brand means direct to the amplifiers without processing the signal in any way.
If it doesn't convert to digital so it can do bass management and filter the signal to send only the frequencies below the crossover to the sub, then it must have a fixed value analog filter or send the sub a full range signal and rely on the sub's crossover (which won't be enabled in most cases if you setup the receiver correctly for non-direct modes). I'd be interested to know exactly how they do this if you have any information on it.
Well no, the SW output wouldn't be considered Direct as there is no SW channel with Redbook CD playback. The SW channel is created from a copy of the analog input to any stereo input on the 3805. The original signal is not touched, only the copied or parallel SW signal is manipulated. I don't remember the exact mechanics of the process.
Jeff Talmadge with Denon, USA explained it in a thread over at AVS about a yr ago I think it was. He was remarking that it was not well known as it's not documented in the manuals and/or is less than clear. It's been awhile since I read the exact text of what he said. I will try and search for it over there and re-post it here, but you might get a quicker and better response by emailing Jeff yourself. He usually responds quite quickly.
(edit) Just re-read your post, the signal is still full range untouched that is sent to the amp section for the L and R speakers, only the copied or parallel signal sent to SW pre-out is manipulated.