What is theBest 2500-5000 dollars can get you line up



As of right now I am invested in the Martin Logan motion foundation line up. I currently have the c1 center and two b1 bookshelf’s that will eventually be rears once I’m able to purchase 2 f2 floor speakers. I have a rsl speed wooder 12s coming in the mail as my sub. Just really trying to achieve a fantastic overall system/setup that isn’t cheaping out but also isn’t crushing the bank. So VERY open to other brands and set ups. So if there was a line up you think I should invest in instead please list it!


Audioholic Samurai
I'm not sure I understand your question. I think you already have a c1 center and two b1 bookshelf speakers and one rsl speedwoofer 12s. Based on a quick google search, this adds up to about $1,900. This leaves another $600-$3,100 before you hit $2,500-$5,000.

Are you asking if you hypothetically should have bought more expensive speakers so you hit the $2.5-$5K budget?

Are you asking if you should return one or more of the speakers you already have, and you're willing to spend $2.5K-$5K to get different bookshelves, center, and sub, with future floor standing speakers going above the $5K limit?

Or does the $2.5-$5K budget include the floor standing speakers you intend to buy in the future?

Does the $2.5-$5K "line up" refer to speakers only, or are you asking the best way to spend another $600-$3,100 on the overall system given the speakers you already have?

What is the intended us of this system? Since you bought a center, it appears that you intend to use this for HT. Is this correct?

How big is the room?

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're asking.


I'm not sure I understand your question. I think you already have a c1 center and two b1 bookshelf speakers and one rsl speedwoofer 12s. Based on a quick google search, this adds up to about $1,900. This leaves another $600-$3,100 before you hit $2,500-$5,000.

Are you asking if you hypothetically should have bought more expensive speakers so you hit the $2.5-$5K budget?

Are you asking if you should return one or more of the speakers you already have, and you're willing to spend $2.5K-$5K to get different bookshelves, center, and sub, with future floor standing speakers going above the $5K limit?

Or does the $2.5-$5K budget include the floor standing speakers you intend to buy in the future?

Does the $2.5-$5K "line up" refer to speakers only, or are you asking the best way to spend another $600-$3,100 on the overall system given the speakers you already have?

What is the intended us of this system? Since you bought a center, it appears that you intend to use this for HT. Is this correct?

How big is the room?

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you're asking.
Yes I have a two b1s and one c1. With the goal of buying two f2s. With the amount of money I’m going to be spending what are some others that comparable or better while my book shelf and center are still returnable.


Audioholic Jedi
If you love the sound of the ML B1 and C1 and you already have them, then I would definitely get the F2.

I prefer to keep all the speakers within the same brand.

But a lot of speakers will sound great. Chances are, you will also love the sound of other brands.

RBH is another great brand.
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