What do you find cheaply built about the Roku? I couldn't say it's molded plastic box that just sits there is any better or worse built than the competitions I've looked at. If I do a search on any of these streamers I'll find a bunch of disgruntled people who've had their "place a brand here" break.
The Roku remote itself has to be one of the best built remotes I've ever seen.
I own the Roku stick and Roku 3 and Amazon Fire TV
For my boxes >>
My Roku 3 remote loves to suck up batteries - and the Roku 3 shuts
down (freezes) a lot, and does not always start back up after reboot.
I think a couple of the problems are that it gets too hot, and a weak
software design - The Amazon fire rarely freezes and does not really
over heat, and the batteries last longer in the remote.
In doing my exploration - a lot of people have had the same type of
problems with their Roku 3.
My favorite remote is the Amazon Fire remote as far as the simple
button layout.
There is no perfect box and all have there weakness - and if one likes
the Roku and there are no major problems for them, then that is cool
and continue to enjoy the ride.