that's what I hate about these beauty contests ... they have stopped being "beauty" contests and started becoming "smarty/politically correct" contests.
remember the phase when every contestant wanted to "save the world"?
Question: If you win this title, what will you do?
Answer: I will use my position to mediate between ____ and ____ and prevent World War III; I will stop global warming by having a dialogue with all the ____ of the world; I will feed all the hungry; I will stop all fires ... bla bla
Audience/Judge: clap clap clap
this is why she jumbled up her answer, she had so many "pre-answers" backed up, when she blanked, she mixed up all those ... see why there's south africa and iraq in there? south africa = hunger/violence;
iraq = peace/rebuilding.
a simple answer would have been: "a fifth of americans simply weren't taught elementary geography" ... "therefore we must ensure that all americans are given the proper education, the fact they don't know basic geography is simply a symptom that not all americans are educated, we must address that ... no one must be left behind" (this is the part where I win the beauty contest)
I'm bored so ...
here's an answer to stir the pot: "a lot of americans simply are not taught to be patriotic ... all americans must know where the USA is on the map, including all it's probable enemies and the location of all their nukes/WMD's and military installations" ...