Clutter isn't actually bad for the sound, depending on how much of it there is and where it is placed. For example, rows of books in a bookshelf can act as diffusors. Clutter can act as absorbors as well. I'm not saying you should go and clutter your room up, however. What is not good for the sound is bare hard surfaces which make for long reverberation decays. The further away you can get from that, the better, and clutter can actually help reduce ringing and reverberation.
As for accurate loudspeakers, they don't have to cost a fortune. Revel has the Concerto2 which are farily linear and are only 800 a pair. For absolutely superb linearity, get the JBL LSR6332, they are about $1,500 each, expensive, yes, but still affordable. Genelec has a wide range of monitors, all of which are very accurate, and range in price from like $800 to a few thousand each. Hell, the Behringer Truth Monitors have a pretty flat response both on and off axis and I scored a pair for $130!