What could possibly go wrong?



Seriously, I have no life.
I haven't read this thread. I saw the news articles and just shook my head because it's one of the dumbest things I think someone could do. This country needs better reading/science/math education, not an elimination of any of them.
When the kid next to me in Freshman Algebra told me he had covered the same material in what would be 3rd Grade here, I was a bit astonished. We were always told that Communist countries were backward, ignorant and only a few were well-educated, although this kid would have been on a fast track because his father was one of the top professors in the Physics Department at the University of Prague. Thanks, US education system! We have been indoctrinated just as well as the countries that hate us. First, they fed us BS, then they lowered the requirements, just so the kids could pass the standardized tests. Now, they want to eliminate the requirements. What are those students supposed to do, to support themselves after they 'graduate'?


Audioholic Slumlord
This. A scientific theory has had lots and lots of research and testing putting into it. When most people say something is "theory" they actually mean it's a hypothesis.
And sometimes even then if it's an unfalsifiable claim it doesn't rise to the level of hpothesis.


Audioholic Jedi
Keep in mind education is also parental influenced, if ya can't keep up with your kid....
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
So I guess we're just going to make this a reality MUCH sooner than predicted?

THIS is exactly where we’re headed with stoopid shitt like in those links. Imo, it all started with the participation medal. Nobody could say hey, sorry you lost. So EVERYBODY wins!!!!!! Yay. Way to cripple the whole idea of rising above, and trying harder next time. Nooooooo!!!!!! Instead we’ll just reward you for showing up. Yay mediocrity. Way to go fukktards. Keep lowering the bar.
Too many pussies that can’t say NO, not good enough. I’ll just pat your asss instead.
I don’t care if my kids receive average grades, or whatever l, as long as they try their best. But they damn well better try. Can’t accept phoning it in.
I hate shitt like this.


As long as they don't suspend the proficiency standards for people that:

Design bridges
Design airplanes
Design medical equipment
Design parachutes


/s Then I'm ok with that /s

Even standardized testing is now racist.

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