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I have an Onkyo TX-SR602. As stated previously, there are many inputs/ouputs. Currently I have everything Video (TiVo, VCR, DVD) connected as S-Video and out through the Monitor out(S-Video). This seems to work fine.
1. If I connect the DVD using Component to the Receiver and then Component out to the TV (I am assumming I can't use the DVD in because there is no DVD out, so I would have to use Video1 or Video2). Then would I leave the other connections as is? When I select Video2 (assuming that's where the DVD is connected instead of DVD In), would that then use the Video2 Component out?
2. If I have a HDTV, I know componet is the best, but will I still get HD using S-Video?
3. TiVo says it does not handle HDTV, so does that mean if I get a Cable HDTV setbox and run it into TiVo it will not do any good?
4. Let's be specific. I am waiting for the new Brighthouse HD DVR to come out (they are beta testing them now). Once that comes out I will replace my TiVo (retire it to the bedroom TV). I have the following Video components: Dual Tuner HD DVR (when it comes out), DVD, VCR, Receiver and TV. All will be Component enabled except the VCR (which has Composite). Recommendations for video connections? I am looking for best quality and convinence when switching. I also want to do PIP with the dual DVR tuner.
Thanks in advance for helping the novice!!!