What are you watching tonight?



Full Audioholic
Xmas is such an odd holiday in so many respects....

It is. My idea of the perfect Xmas is a fire in the fireplace, an easy dinner of steak, potatoes and spinach, a few presents but not many, and a snow storm that I don't clear the driveway until the day after.

My wife on the other hand has to work herself dead tired making the perfect Turkey dinner with cookies and pies, too many presents for the kids and staying up until 2am Christmas eve wrapping them so that she's dead tired the next morning.

I want a minimalist, stress free holiday. She seems compelled to set her plans way too high and having not enough time to do it all.

I hate wrapping presents at 2am Christmas eve.


Audioholic Ninja
I have been itching to re-watch the old 1967 sci-fi drama series The Prisoner for years. Turns out Plex has it with it's free TV streaming (with ads). A very period piece but the drama still holds up pretty well. I don't remember ever seeing the finale so it will be nice to watch it to the end at last.
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Audioholic Ninja
Republican debate. I want to see if anyone has the balls to call out Trump? Except for Christie of course. Anyone else gonna watch it?


Seriously, I have no life.
Republican debate. I want to see if anyone has the balls to call out Trump? Except for Christie of course. Anyone else gonna watch it?
Not enough sedative on the planet. Oh, wait, that amount might kill me. :D
Oh, I forgot to order a rail car quantity.


Audioholic Ninja
Steelers New England tonight on TNF. The Steelers really need to win this game.
Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Audioholic Chief
I’ll be watching too. As a Pats fan Hope the Steelers win too. Right now they’d have the #2 pick in the draft and they have to be focused on the rebuild. Hope it’s at least a good game. With these 2 offensive offenses it could be boring. Cowboys Seahawks set a ratings record. This could be the other end of the spectrum.


Audioholic Warlord
Watched the new Indiana Jones movie on Disney+ last night. Glad I didn't go to the theater to see it. C+ Started off good, but then...


Full Audioholic
I watched Miracle on 34th Street and White Christmas this afternoon.

Tomorrow I go over to my other house and watch them pump the septic tank.


Full Audioholic
That’s an interesting dichotomy.

It was kinda interesting watching the big hose slurp it up. Somehow a plastic measuring cup was down there. But I'll try to avoid TMI.

Tonight I didn't really know what to watch so I've thrown in Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Pt 1.

I often watch something I've watched many time before because if I miss something for not paying attention I haven't really missed it.
Bobby Bass

Bobby Bass

Audioholic Chief
I hear you. I like watching movies and TV shows I’ve seen many times over. Kind of like listening to your favorite songs over and over. My wife and kids laugh about it but they watch shows I never would.


Full Audioholic
I hear you. I like watching movies and TV shows I’ve seen many times over. Kind of like listening to your favorite songs over and over. My wife and kids laugh about it but they watch shows I never would.
That's exactly what it's like here. My kids watch shoot-em-up movies with fast cars that bore me stiff. I can't pay attention.

My wife watches "Women in Peril" movies.


Audioholic Ninja
Just picked up the NBA package on Direct TV. I watched the Dallas Mavs last night with the local announcers that I used to watch in Dallas. Probably will watch the best game available tonight.


Seriously, I have no life.
Haven't seen “Leave the World Behind” but will try it tonight. A friend recommended this, a good discussion afterwards.


Seriously, I have no life.
Haven't seen “Leave the World Behind” but will try it tonight. A friend recommended this, a good discussion afterwards.
I would recommend this for many of you.
No, not sy-fy, action, drama, no real s.x just something to think about afterwards and where we are.

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