I, for one, do like a good IPA, and don't mind the different iterations so much. However, too many of them are poorly made Hop Bombs with no finesse or reason other than riding the Hype-Train. So in that, I do agree with the article.
The Double, Triple and Imperial trends, again, can be done well and I have been fortunate to drink a few that are well made.
In all of this, Go-NAD hit on it: too many are just unbalanced. Frankly, this is my complaint with the state of the Brew craze right now: too many poorly executed concepts and brewed beers. I would give anything to see a 50% reduction in the number of Breweries for even a 25% increase in competent brewing and the quality that will go with it..

Ya, I went there. But as a long time F&B professional, right now breweries are acting a lot like ill-conceived restaurants where the failure rate swept up most of the trash within 2 years. I have not seen, however, the same happen in the Brew scene.
Just my 2¢.