Rather cliche' ish
but here goes....
I’m home alone so I took the time to run my YPAO. I re-adjusted some of those setting using my SPL and everything was calibrated to 75dbs. The songs I used are from my music library ripped from my CD’s at 192kbp they vary from metal to the lost 80’s stuff. I wanted to feel and hear the tempo change from song to song so I made a CD for this.
1.Blue Monday & True Faith-(New Order)..I like the upbeat pace throughout those songs and overall it did a good job of keeping up with the quick & punchy beats of those songs
2.Sober-(Tool)..right from the first riff you could feel it…deep and hard …enough said
3.Give me tonight(Shannon…I did say 80’s..
lol)..a club favorite of mine and I'm not going to get into that but again wanted to hear that fast and punchy bass.
4.When the levee breaks(Led Zeppelin)..figured since they’re my favorite band I wanted some Zeppelin …WTH. It sounded good but neither hard or fast should’ve chosen another Zep song…I guess lol.
5.People are People(Depche Mode) after the last song I when back to a quicken tune again and played it loud. BTW…since nobody is home I’m cranked to about 95db’s with peaks >100.
6.Master of Puppets(Metallica) Hard and fast…quick and slow it felt great sitting about 7ft away from the sub.
7.D’yer Mak’er(Led Zeppelin)…I wanted something different and rhythmic just love its reggae beat.
8.Man in the Box(Alice in Chains) & NIB(Black Sabbath) finished off my session this morning I figued I could crank them since the wife isn't home
I know most you are wincing with my overall choices of music…
. I haven’t the time to watch any movies or concert dvds…yet? I hope to soon. I could tell the difference immediately once I plugged it in last night. My pb10 was a very good sub but this guy is way more articulate and authoritative IMO and kept up relatively easy to music.
Just wanna say thanks to all for taking the time and to the best forum on the net.
Regards, Bill